Saturday, May 26, 2018

Personal - Lazy Saturday

Good Morning Blog,

Today is Saturday and I supposed to meet one of my friends for hiking trip, but LAST min, he got some matter to settle. Initially, C asked me to go for swim and gym on the day before, but I turned him down because I promised K first. Well... who knows... last min changes and now I am struck half way that I can't join C for a swim and feel so drained.

Take off my shoes and stay indoor

And that morning is gloomy too. Totally NO mood.
Maybe I just spent some time catching up with some PS4 games.
Interesting title...
Relax and enjoy gaming like a geek...
Even preparing for lunch, I don't have the mood to...
What's wrong with me....
Maybe because I just don't feel motivated. How can I save myself?
I think I know why... Whenever I learned that I don't go to Church of Gym, can't afford to be a member of that church, and feeling inferior looking at the six-packs pastors preaching God-like glory-workouts on their bodies; I just feel so useless. Back to reality, I know I can do and do my best - I will have to motivate myself and stay healthy will do.

Not just go for health well-being but spiritual well-beings, because that one will last.

Since I am not going out on Saturday Morning and the next meet-up is on the afternoon, time to rest as much as I can...
Oh yeah... I realised that I can't wear this spidery suit anymore... I torn it... as I undressed it from my fat body... (I need some help to undress from it) well, at least it is not wasted by leaving in the closet. Thank you White Spidery suit, I am glad you served me well.


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