Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Jogging - Why Why Why

Hi Blog,

Recently I made a post about my reduced-weight (link) and my time of slimmer tummy had come to end...

WHAT!!! 72KG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Despite whatever probiotic I took... my weight starts to creep back... My output is limited... My tummy started to bloat... My mood starts to turn dark... My body... My bad genes... is shxtty...

Heaven........ Why.......
Sometimes I just love and wish I could look tall and slim like my shadow...
I was totally no MOOD to take pictures of myself today...
but... I will take it as a challenge to confirm something.
Since my weight springs back, I hope I can save enough to purchase rain SOUL and CORE seeds supplement for a good test! Anyone can lend me money to purchase it first?


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