Thursday, July 2, 2015

Cycling - On My Way to Meet the Buyer

Hi blog,

Today I will be meeting a buyer named "Haohao" for my fatbike, but the experience with him was predictable - heard many news about buyers/sellers in carousell, 64% of them failed to meet-up as promised. 

Just like the one which I have screenshot

From the conversation does sound promising on Sunday when we agreed to meet up on Thursday, but from Wednesday onward, he started to ignore my messages... (As you can see the grey ticks) I believe this happened due my sister who is helpful enough to post my bike in her carousell, and on Tuesday, she asked him to put deposit, so he will think that how come I start to ask for deposit and pissed him off. 

Well many people told me off to ignore this buyer and don't need to waste time to cycle up, but for me, I need to keep my promises. So I cycled up. Maybe small % he might show up.

Yah. I arrived and waited for a while.... And as predicted, he didn't show up or reply. So am I regretted?

No. I didn't regret my decision and I feel happy that I keep up my words. I treat it as a form of exercise. Thanks God. 

God still wanted to test me, let me cycle onto the muddy grass patch, and I got both tires with mud!

Well.... I will take it positively and wash my bike for this last round.

I love you, fattie. I will wash you properly. 

On the 4th July (Saturday), there are many buyers interested in my bike. My sister had a hard time replying them, but there is one guy who I sensed he really love my bike and immediately we arranged to meet up to pay deposit to secure the deal. 

Thank you Shahrie for cycled down to pay the deposit. By 12 July, my fat bike will be yours. I start to miss my bike already.


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