Friday, July 31, 2015

Food - Japanese Style Marinated Soft Boiled Eggs

Hey blog,

Today I entered Seven-Eleven store and saw this soft boiled egg on sale... I can't resist it so I bought it for a try.

S$2.40 for two eggs... Quite expensive. I treated as the first trying this egg, they won't earn anymore from me. If I like it, I will make it myself.

Look at how soft and bouncy it is! The smell of the sauce, yummy... Here is the moment after you open it up! *epic holy music played in the background*

It is so beautiful - like an artwork! The skill of preparing it! OMG! Okay! Time to search YouTube on how to prepare it!

Here are the links which I have gathered (for Vegetarian: Skip the wine and garlic)

I swear I will make a successful soft boiled egg! 
Below are some of the pictures shared by my Bro, Jelvis on Facebook :)


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