Monday, July 27, 2015

Cycling - Blackie's first time and Fattie's updates

Hey Blog,

Today is Youth Day aka school holiday, I can try to cycle Blackie out even since I brought her home.

I will say the speed is so-so, not fast or slow. Easy riding especially the first paddling in every stop. As compared to my previous ride with Fattie (refer below)

There is no difference between the timing. So lighter fatbike won't somehow make improvement in its speed and time but you can perverse/last your energy longer than on heavy bike - drain your energy. 

Oh yes, Blog! Did you notice something? My new way of Wearing my jersey? Haha like the latest HK movie "Breaking Wind", too bad I am just acting cool unlike the main actors look cooler and handsome. Well... Who cares?! Just love my Tron jersey!

Well... After riding home, my legs got aching and never have it before.... I wonder why... Is it because I stop riding??? Hmmm I can't move my legs now... TT^TT... 

From my experience so far as compared, heavier fatbike and lighter fatbike, it is not about speed gained, it is about shifting gear to make your ride easier and consume lesser energy to cover longer distance. The tiredness of cycling will still be there, but how far can we cover before our legs got overheated. 

By the way, Shahrie updated me about Fattie too. I was so happy to read how is Fattie doing. This is what Shahrie said.

"Hey bro .. Hows your new fattie? Your fattie getting use to me already .. Already tried a little offroad with fattie .. It was awesome .. Anywhere i go fattie go .. Its been a month since fattie with me to work every day from bedok reservoir to amk or amk to jalan besar everyday .. Hahaahaha This was just a random pic with fattie and me .. Not that clear but nice background .." 

Wow Fattie got used to new owner :,) already... Thanks God! Woah! He is powerful! Can cycle it everyday! Cover roughly like my distance or longer! Hat off for Shahrie (young and muscular) hahaha!   Oh my! He also wants to change Fattie's tyres because it is getting a bit slippery. 

And Shahrie also wants to re-paint Fattie to Hulk green! Haha he shows me this

Oh my! Fattie is going into transformation! Shahrie shows me the effect of the spray paint below.

Honestly that is an unique colour for a bicycle or fatbike :) I will like to receive more updates from you. Haha


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