Saturday, July 25, 2015

Trip - River Safari

Hey Blog,

We met again. This time right after we finished browsing through Singapore Zoo, we moved over to River Safari! 

River Safari is one of the special and unique themed safari ever builded in the world - housing some of the exotic Amazon River animals (not all because of we can see panda in the safari) when you step into River safari, there is a feeling of visiting Sea aquarium with thick tall glasses.

Where is the Otter??
Acting cool
Fortunately when we went there, there wasn't many visitors.

As you can see the overall view of River Safari. Less visitors lesser distraction unlike sea aquarium. Below are the some unique creatures which live in the river banks - you know bank creatures instead of money aka River Safari. Okay skip!

This is an amazing! The full potential size of this fish is unfixed but what really amazing is it can breathe through its mouth when there is shortage of oxygen in the water and its parenting devotion over the young is rare among fishes.

A fat mermaid but cute. It just looks like hippos' cousin but much more gentle than hippo.

Just look at the overall feel about the place, sea aquarium but different species.

Giant River Otter
Finally got to see sideways of how otters swim. That tail really helps the Otter to swim gracefully. Next time I shall rename my dolphin swimming style as Otter style, got it? Author Style. hmmmm okay Skip! 

Red-Bellied Piranha
okay! Piranha, where is your red sore belly? I feel so sorry that people has been mistaken you as a meat-thirsty devil fish due to stupid movie titles, but your power and ability earns my respect.

Electric Eel
Hmmmm.... if water is a good conductor of electricity, then won't it shock the whole River safari or river when provoked?

Amazon RiverQuest
In River Safari, by paying extra $5 for a short ride to feel cruising along the riverside in Amazon.

Getting prepared for the ride!
Special entrance for Amazon RiverQuest - we will levitate up.
First we will see some Collared Peccary - another word - Wild Pig.
Jaguar. Seriously I really don't know how to differentiate it from Leopard.  
Mini version of Flamingo - Scarlet Ibis 
Random Tortoise found at Giant Panda Courtyard

Giant Panda
Kungfu Panda is what I can hear from the calling of kids. For me, it is a Non-stop eating and sleeping animal.

My BEST photo of the day :D Credit Alvin.
Red Panda
Same thing.... Sleep sleep.... The zookeepers will want us to lower our voice - it will disturb their resting time. okay.... Shhhhhhh.......

Golden Pheasant
Woah! It is one of the beautiful bird rivaling with Peacock. (speaking of peacock, I don't see them around today) It is obvious the male pheasant wants to show off. LOL

Oh my! what an unique looking scaled fish! The name also unique, initially I will read it as Surgeon. Hahaha... but this one looks like a puppy. :3

Chinese Giant Salamander
Oh MAN! This is a GIGANTIC and you can hear it bark, cry and hiss too like baby child!!

This fish reminds me of one Doraemon character - Suneo. You know why? Hahaha

Yeah.... Nothing but flatworm.

Many other random giant fishes.

Looking at those giant tanks reminded me when I was young, I always love to visit aquarium to just stare at the fishes swimming. Now this was the feeling when I am there. Sweet memory.

Crab-eating Macaque
Animal changes its diet depend on environment, they adapt but we Human, don't.... We only go for what we desire.

Eastern Bottleneck
Look like their fingers are growing around their mouth.

Look like TigerDog than fish. Look at those TEETH. That teeth explain and they are not gentle creatures...

African Dwarf Crocodile
This one is cute. Dwarf version of a crocodile look like a dog without fur :D

High Five!
Accompany with a tortoise 

Mississippi Paddlefish
This is my first time knowing this kind of fish, little that I know of. I will do some reading on this creature.

Look like it is crying.
with Some random fish. LOL
Alligator Gar
Alligator gal. Got it? Gar and Gal? Hmmm okay! Skip! LOL

Alligator Snapping Turtle
Beautiful Turtle if it is a gentle creature but this one is a Badass! So no! Naughty turtle!

Woah.......... Beautiful Tank! Like I always say - to keep fishes as pets, you make sure they live in a Beautiful place this kind than a boring bowl with nothing in there.

Okay! 5+ River Safari is closing. We will have our dinner for two hours then next for Night Safari. Overall - it is just like Sea Aquarium and Happy to see Panda.



  1. Replies
    1. WOW! Thanks for dropping comments. I hope you are not bot. I got those information by knowing those animals and some from youtube. Thanks for liking my style and I will check out the links you had given.


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