Sunday, July 19, 2015

Personal - Feeling Nah

Hey blog.

Have I told you that I love the vegetarian mock chicken rice + egg in one of the ang mo kio stall - Cai Yun. At least for today, something which can cheer me up awhile. Haha

After my Sunday ritual - swimming, my swimming buddy suggested to go karaoke but as we reached that place, we noticed the kbox closed down, so we changed activity to play billiards pool.

Honestly I don't play billiards- never have an interest, like goal, basketball, mass-player shooting game aka lan gaming and bowling for examples. Why? I think of it awhile and I Know my problem, Because this game actually required certain skill and experience to play well. Can you imagine when someone suggests playing those game and you are not regular/no idea how the game is played, you simply drag the game or spoil the mood of those who knew how to play such game.

Yes? What? You meant I can just play without worrying and can learn how to play along? 

Well if you think about it, if such game requires certain training and guidance in order to play well, then the experienced party should spend time guiding those beginners rather than focus on playing the game themselves. To cut my rant - just give proper training session. If not, I am only making a fool of myself.... 

Let me share with you an incident and it happened many times - because there were four of us and teamed up as a pair challenge. There were times when I was given chance to place the white ball anywhere I want, so I decided to place it at the spot for easy goal. When I fired at the center of the white ball, I can miss completely or slip aside it! Not once but a couple of times! You know how bad it can be because my performance affected whoever playing/teamed up with. 

It is not like playing a billiard game which has imaginary line and gauge of strength where I can play with precisional. Well... Just treat it as an experience then and thanks Bro for playing with a noob.

"There is one Pool (billiard) I can't play  well, but there is one Pool (swimming) I do play quite well."


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