Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Cycling - Last Ride for my Fatbike

Hi Blog,

Today I cycle my Warlora XDS Fatbike down to my workplace for the last round because I intend to sell my bike away for a lighter fatbike. Many told me to keep my current one, honestly if I have a choice, I won't want to sell it away. I love my current bike so much. But for the sake of long term cycling, I cannot bike this for long term, I already feel pain in my knee.

Overview of my Fatbike
So I put on sale in Carousel for $500. Somehow I doubt anyone will want to get it because of scratch-marks. :(

The riding scratch-marks 
more scratch-mark
This is a scratch-mark due to torchlight. 
Overall, I take good care of it - wiping it, maintain it and grease it. SURPRISINGLY, someone respond to my sister carousel post, we will be meeting for collection on Thursday evening. Hopefully he will keep his promise.

Love this name and design of it.
I will never forget the epic name of this fatbike, Warlora 1.
The logo of XDS
My Favourite moment. 
Le me with Fatbike Warlora 1.
I also cycled down to Pasir ris with it and caught some familiar faces.

Cedric in his messy hair
Two wonderful siblings. :)
Am I making wrong decision? :(
For the long term riding, I have no choice.........
Thanks Jared for accompanying me and fattie cycled around punggol park. here is some thought for Jared, I taught him since he was young in PVPS, he always has his own view and thoughts. What I see in him are, responsibility, down-to-earth and caring person. I always remembered my first disappointment with him was that he tend to make insensitive remarks which he thought is a joke, so I was not pleasing. But that does not stop him from growing. :)

Despite of some insensitive toward his words, Jared is the one of the rest who keep his words than making empty promises. I will say maturity plays a big part of the growing process. :) 

While we were resting at the jetty, we already made plan to travel together. :D The feeling is great and promising - is it a upgrade of relationship/trust? Anyway I am glad to know Jared. :) Thank you Bro. 

From students become friends and become my bro, Jared. :)
I will take you as my bro. :)
Love this shot a lot. 
Bro-stare. Hahaha

Anyway... today is a tiring day for me. My legs I can still feel the pain; I am getting old.

Wish me luck in selling my bike.

"No matter what challenges lay ahead of me, I will just have to go through until I reach my destination and fulfill my life mission."


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