Thursday, July 30, 2015

Personal - Letter for my Father

Hi Blog, 

Short post for today. Today we received a letter of recognition for my father. In this letter saying that my father has been kept clean records for the past five years on road, and wanted to reward him with vouchers. It was a great news!

But officer.... I doubt my father can claim that voucher and will be continued driving on road.... Now he is no longer feeling pain or desire for it anymore... So thank you for reminding me of my father. :) I will remember him.

To my Father, 

"Papa, how are you now? Thanks for the dream that you left last time... I won't forget that moment when I was taking a nap on the bus, you showed up clean and tidy in yellow shirt.... You look young and healthy, completely different from the period when you were physically ill.

You were trying to tell me something but I can't hear you at all, but I was glad to see you standing up again... 

Then you pointed a stone-throw distance away where three strangers smiling toward us, I started to bow back to them. It looked like you will be following them to somewhere :,) 

Papa, no matter where you go, please bless Mother, Jicky and Serina. I will be okay. Please help me to stay away from some forces... It has been very strong these two years. I won't want to get myself involved in it.... 

Good bye papa."

By the way, while I was typing this post, I saw YZ on the bus! What a coincidence! Oh my! You grow up a lot! Time really flies! 

As compared to your younger time!

And this (finally can remove older photo!)

Thanks YZ for being supportive. I am glad that I had taught you before. All the best YZ, I really hope I can "pull" you up to the boat. God please help me. 


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