Saturday, July 25, 2015

Trip - Singapore Zoo

Hi Blog,

We were late for Singapore Zoo visit, we should be there in morning time, but there were some hiccups, anyway we still made it. Here were some pictures which we have taken during that day. (Finally a post where all pictures are belong to mine)

I visited Singapore Zoo before, and River Safari is the one which keep me excited.
Thanks Alvin (my army friend) to accompany me to celebrate my day with animals.
Okay! I simply show them my ID, they passed me ticket for FREE!!! WOAH! 
My first photo of the day in the Zoo - The Vine. Hmmmm Some kinky feeling.... XD JK JK
Proboscis Monkey
Suk Jin-looking monkey. Do you know Suk Jin? He is the member in Running man, aka Big-nose hyung. Don't know what is the function of having a big nose... Well.. No comment over this monkey because I also have big nose... so yah. Unique face monkey. You should check its plushie doll of this monkey. 

Hmmmmm.... dude... you are sexcited?
Human Being - Homo Sapiens
A species which displayed many unique characters and possess the power of influence than all animals combine. The character which set us apart from animals and human - changes of character. We won't be fixed by one character, we adapt and change ourselves depending on environment and we shape Earth tremendously according to what we desire. Either good or bad.... This Homo Sapiens is the MOST dangerous species ever, which responsible over many events - Extinction of many animals, Pollution and Draining of Nature resources.... But yet they also the only hope to make the changes before everything is drained and gone.

Two homo sapiens were checking out one another due to different in language, skin and hair colour
One Sapiens was excited to find out what is another sapiens holding. Either he can reject and move away or hmmmm....
In the end, they shared the toy with one another.
The gaylish thirsty Giraffe-liked bird - keep on "drinking" water from the pool like as if it is going to dry up. 

Polar Bear
Overly tanned version polar bear - waiting for food. Have you ever wondered how you feel when you are swimming in a pool where everyone is watching you "in" the water?

where is my food?
Hmmmm there are a notice over Polar Bear fur... Hmmm.... Not greenish... It is BLACKish!

Mini brown bear without metal claw. Hey? Don't sleep. Wake up and smoke some cigar like you normally do.

Bornean Orang Utan
Reborn silky hair animal. I wonder how much shampoo they used to achieve such soft hair?

White Rhinoceros
One horn rules all! Heavy beast but sensitive too. At least can catch them feeding than sleeping.

One more rhino spotted. Hey! AlvBear, I didn't know that you have horn.

Check out those horn! LOL
Never change its spot. I guess they have too many spots, when it changes in sizes, we won't know.

Hmmm weird looking animal, it has two heads and eight legs. I wonder zebra is white or black under their skin. Not being racist, I am just saying. Haha

Role model for Guardman. It has been looking and staring at us, hmmm look like it just wants to piss but too many people are watching it.

Leo! Which is my representative animal of me - ROAR! Singapura! Oh Singapura!

Gwang soo! Why are you so tall? Come on! Do your electric dance move!

Sexier version of cheetah. Can anyone tell me how to differentiate Jaguar and Leopard?

Naked Mole Rat
Queen bee in furless mammal skin. Lucky they need their eyes to check one another, if they do, they will re-enactment of Adam and Eve.

The branded animal ever. Sometimes I wonder are they female counterpart of leopard?

Exotic Frogs
Which frog that you like to kiss?

Most threaten-looking mask wore by Mammal.


Estuarine Crocodile
Either a stone or a croco, it is peeping at you.

Komodo Dragon
I don't know why it is named as a dragon...

Giant Tortoise
What a beautiful creature. Slow and gentle Master Wu Gui.

Sun Bear
I wonder why it is named with a word "sun". It looks like Lady bear due to its long nails - to dig GOLD.

Asian Elephant
Hand is its nose. I want to look at elephant with tusk! It looks so Bare without its tusk.

CAN YOU STOP SLEEPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

White Tiger
You know your white fur can't hide well within those bushes, right?

Rainforest Fights Back Show
Due to time, we can only catch one show and I can predict the whole show but they did try to add in some value to the show. Good Job everyone!

Look at how wet we are, especially my shirt has a marking of sweat. Anyway, I must take a picture of jumpshot!

I am ready for River Safari!


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