Thursday, July 23, 2015

Personal - You Are What You Are

Hi Blog,

Today I had an interesting encounter and epic feedbacks from people because of my attire.

Acting cool and swag
I decided to wear all-white but with a bit of design (tattoo design) at my left shoulder. To be honest, I love how the design flows on my shirt, it reminded me of the epic costume design for final fantasy characters.

Anyway, let's pose for the picture. Okay! Done! 

Today lesson some pupils simply stared at my shirt and commented they love my attire. I also received many positive feedbacks from Staff in my workplace. 

"Woah! PAP supporter!"
"Jeff, your shirt looks powerful!"
"This looks like from Korea."
"Malaysia product? Not local. Ah Beng loves this kind of attire!"
"It looks great on you!"

Thanks for all the kind compliments. There is one epic response from one of the teachers that I have to share with you, Blog! 

This was how it started, we met one another at the stair, she noticed my shirt and commented, "Hey my kid has one of those shirt similar like yours, with this ah-Beng design and I hate it."

This is how an Ah-Beng looks like
Her next response was the epic one and I won't forget, she said, "weird! How come when you wear it? It looks good on you? You don't have that ah-Beng feeling at all! You look great with it!"

Haha! Thank you so much! :) I guess different people will present/display different aura themselves. It is not the clothing matter but ourselves. 

Haha! Now I can fly to nine sky!


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