Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cycling - Fattie VS New Owner

Hi Blog,

It has been a few days that my ex-fatbike, Fattie with her new owner, Shahrie. Thanks Shahrie for keeping me update of the statues of Fattie, XDS Fatbike Warlora 1.

Based as what I could remember, Shahrie decided to spend some money to change/upgrade certain parts of Fattie. Shahrie had changed its handle bar to straight version. Below are pictures sent from Shahrie.

Look Cool with new handle bar! But why change the handle bar? Can anyone guide me?

From the picture, you can see Fattie went through a lot - the mud and dusts.

Shahrie gave Fattie a sound horn - 115DB, now she can sing along the road. her next upgrade is front suspension, despite of with all the good things.... FATTIE gave Shahrie a hard time, not once but twice; Fattie breakdown twice on separate days!

First, this sharp metal object impaled into the back tyres of Fattie! Oh MY, this is the second time that Fattie got this. From Shahrie's message, "I was on the road and suddenly i hear a hissing sound I thought it came from a nearby factory and then slowly i can feel that something is wrong with fattie .. Then i checked it was the rear tyre that got puncture with the metal Piece .. I stop and just pull the thing out and down fattie go.. "

Second was the rear gear cable SNAPPED due to rust. I feel I am a BAD owner... :(

Caused Shahrie to push Fattie from Bedok (his workplace) to AMK for repair.... So Fattie changed a new tubes - Maxxis brand $25. So sorry Shahrie. He claimed that my Fattie is not used to his roughness and yet to tame her. What a way to lighten my guiltiness, then he added on "All fat rider in Singapore will go through all this at some point of time." 

That's the SPIRIT!

Thanks Shahrie for updating me on Fattie and sent me pictures too. Hope Fattie won't give him any trouble.


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