Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Movie Review - Ant-man

Hi Blog,

It was nice to have a group of committed people who willingly to spare their time to catch up with one another. Thanks Bro Jared to initiate this movie session. 

I had been constantly watching movies with different groups of friends - even have to watch at least two times of the same titles, But I didn't write any review because it took me too long to finish. For today onward I will make simple personal reviews and supporting facts about the movie :)

Today I will share with you about the movie Ant-man. Oh my! Another important superhero in the Marvel universe and for Avengers too! In fact
I will get excited over superheroes-movies because in my previous post on the avengers 2, I simply love how individual hero becomes superhero in their own title and then later on join forces to defeat the villains together in another bigger title.

But this Ant-man is so special because this hero is small! Small but important! Check out the Ant-Man posters, as compared to other superheroes posters which made their superheroes big and important while Ant-man, small and insignificant but yet so important. 


and some of the Parody posters. XD They focused too much on black widow. Haha..

Here are some of the YouTube links talking about things which we need to know about Ant-man.

And here are the soundtracks of Ant-Man, hmmm nothing memorable or epic as compared to Jupiter ascending. 

Anyway let don't drag, we shall do some short review:

Overall, this is the summer blockbuster movie title which I will recommend to others. The storyline has successfully portrayed the main protagonist's challenges, it took enough efforts (even though there was some "forced" love and "unexplained" hate relationship), made us feel attached to the characters too. A few honorable things I have highlighted are how they continued from the previous classic Ant-man handed over the baton to the new character, how the main protagonist works his way to Avengers team and the shooting style (microscopic view) was amazing. They also made you "see" how amazing the atom quantum world looks like . (I want to watch that moment again!)

There are also a few humorous scenes  which keep us entertained and the comic-relief characters are one of the best and unforgettable characters I will love to see more. 

Overall: 4.5/5 - we were entertained, the fighting scenes were whole new experiences, CGI was great too! Nice to watch it friends - everyone left with a smile! 

Here are some other reviews and facts about Ant-Man which I found great to hear them out too.

I don't own any image and credit to whoever owns those images
I don't own any of pictures, Credit to those whoever owns/copyright those pictures

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