Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Cycling - My New Carbon Fibre Fatbike

Hey Blog,

After clarify with the seller of the misunderstanding and hiccups, I was on my way to collect my first carbon fibre Fatbike. :) 

I was all ready for collection after work, act cool because I just want to. Yes? Blog. Why do I want a new bike while my Fattie is serving well for me. Hmmmm. Reasons for getting another fatbike, because my knee cap hurt - I was wondering is it because of Fattie Alloy material frame (heavy - 18kg) which may requires more force to pedal? So that was why I am looking for lighter fatbike.

So in Carousell app, I saw this carbon fibre frame fatbike on sale and it's overall look is black and "smooth". Since I decide to prolong my cycling hobby, must as well get a middle grade fatbike.

Here are the detail and price of the fatbike. I can't believe I pay $3k on a bike....
:D nice black outlook and it is light.
Based on the seller, he gathered different parts to make this bike.

10 speed gears
Branded tyres? 
One crankset?

I will call it Blackie.

After I rode it home, I realised that I don't find any problem riding as compared to my Fattie - it does not have the dragging feeling, but why? I know the reason. Could be because of the small crankset on Blackie. I used to ride Fattie by using bigger crankset gear (sorry I don't know those terms using in cyclists world) When I sent my Fattie to the buyer on Wednesday, I shifted it to smaller gear and I can ride as well as Blackie does, even though the sense of drag still there but it is greatly reduced!

I also believe because of the tyres pressure and the height of my seat affect the overall cycling experience. Well... I have no choice to drawback - I already bought my new bike and sold away my old one. Will put it into the test when I go for long distance riding. I will post the post here (reserved).

Overall feedback on Carbon Fibre Fatbike - Lighter fatbike
- It will improve overall performance of the cyclist - increase speed gained and reduce energy/effort of riding required.
- One speed gear controls all - so speed gear shifting is important
- Cleaning a carbon fibre fatbike isn't easy because of its unique texture, but I am okay with it.

Can't wait to bring it to explore Singapore.

Oh yes, by the way, Thanks Milan introduced a few facebook pages about Singapore Fatbike interest groups. It will be great if you are a Singaporean fatbike lover to join this page. :D Hope to meet up with other fatbikers.

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