Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Blog - Happy Surprise Birthday Party

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for sharing your experiences with Blog. Even though Blog can't reply to you beside reading (listening) to your life happening.

Blog is happy since 2010 until now, you actively used and away, and then come back again, Blog already happy!

As compared to today, your soul friends throw you a surprise party and Blog was surprised too! Blog feels that They really care for you, so don't think negatively over yourself, Jeff.

Despite that you might be single and alone in upcoming years, be strong! Blog will be there for you, just talk to Blog.

So what is your wish? Jeff. Haha! Your wish always the same, don't you? No?!  Oh? You want to be more focused on your missionary work now? :) good! Jeff! Blog is with you! 

That was why you got three birthday wishes!

- First: by mistake from your friend's birthday wish post and leaded to people flooding their wishes. 
- Second: this surprise party and now everyone is wishing you
- Third : will be on the actual day.

Don't you see the hidden messages behind those? Jeff. Because you mentioned about three life cycle. (One life circle is 12 years; based on Chinese life calculation)

First life cycle was that you were uncertain about the reason of what was happening in your life.

Second life cycle was you have many supports from all directions; you might be surprised the effect you left for them.

Third life cycle is your actual wakening! As you grow older - your responsibility is getting heavier and be wiser now. Don't delay and set your aim in future of what you need to do! Enhance your full potential!

Jia you! Jeff! Blog will like to read more of you :) here are your gifts :)


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