Sunday, July 5, 2015

Personal - Hope for The Best; Prepare for the Worst

Hi Blog,

I always hear others when they used "Hope for the Best." as Many people only take Best result (usually is based on their desirable expectation) as the only outcome when come to sticky situations/challenges. But I sense there are something wrong with that phrase, and it is not the best way to handle a situation. Based on Chinese proverb, "人生不如意事十之八九"/Life isn't a bed of roses, So instead of hoping for the BEST, why not we learn to accept the fact of not the desirable outcome?

So I add on,
"Hope for the Best; Prepare for the Worst."

We must learn to be strong and embrace the outcome of every situations than complaining or worst, we put the blame onto God for not answering our prayers. That's an awful thinking.

I always learn to accept the facts and realities of the situations, even though I will rant or get emotionally affect awhile with the outcome, but I will embrace it and take it positively. Previously in my recent post on a buyer didn't keep up his promise to meet up, I tried to take it positively, even though I might sound I am not truly "Happy" and "Disappointed" in this buyer, but I had learned to manage my own emotion - Embracing the Outcome. 

But today something happened and it comes big. This morning, I was doing some transfer of fund to my ex-pupil, Kangmin for helping me to purchase an Maplestory item, and thinking of transferring the FULL sum amount to MM, the seller who will be selling his awesome fatbike to me.

This is the post in carousell which I will be getting my new fatbike from. I met up with him a few days ago to test the new fatty and we had good decent chat as you can see below.

But after I transferred the FULL amount and dropped him a normal message, he didn't reply me at all! It was a Sunday, I thought he might be sleeping or having a Church service or something. So I decided to wait for his response until night time, he didn't reply at all. I worried that I might piss him off, so I just simply "knock" onto his messages, hoping he will look at his phone while he is busy.

A day had passed. I am preparing for the Worst. I even called him up and the number was not working, so I called up Starhub to check out this number, they told me that he might have blocked me from calling or messaging. 

During this moment, I dropped him the final message through message and the Carousell message too. (which show below)

I know myself, I did't get angry with him - I believe that he is not such person but I need to preapre for the worst, because it is not a small amount. I will report to Police station to let the police to handle my case. All I can do is not to have hatred over him, I just want my money or bike. Worst, I might not get my money or bike too, but I am prepared for it. 

My friends and family maybe (I didn't tell them) just felt why I was so careless during this transaction. I must say I am too careless and I can only blame myself for being easy target than blaming on others. One of my friends, Jia Ming encouraged me to take baby steps and showed his concern, and also one of my friends, Alvin who felt disheartened why do I have to go through such situation... I must say everyone is caring of me, taking care of me in present and future. Okay. I will make police report.

Just when I was about to step in to police station, he replied through Carousell app!!!

He went for a Thailand trip with his wife on Friday! He didn't use the number which I have been texting him for the moment, he was using the prepaid card in Thailand, so he won't receive any message than email, whatapps (I didn't think of that) or apps notifications. He even trying to call me back to assure his location and he didn't avoid me purposely. 

Through this incident, I was happy not just because it was a misunderstanding, it is about myself for living what I have shared - "Hope for the Best; Prepare for the Worst. Embrace the Outcome."

It is a truly unforgettable experience for me. :) Thank you God. I see the growth within me spiritually. Thank you everyone who cares for me.


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