Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Hiking - Half Completed

Good morning Blog,

Happy New 2020. Usually what will I do in the first day of the year? Especially when there is no rain? Yes! Hiking!

Perfect morning. I wanted to visit those quarries but realised there is a road block for construction and I will need to take a longer route, so today I changed my plan.
Preparing and don't think much because I might lay down again.
Oh man! My camera controller can't switch on! WHY WHY WHY! :(
Need some backup and time to use these tripods.
I guess they will help me greatly.
Hmm... Hope it works then my Huawei dropped from its position after this shot.
Once again, tapping on Huawei depth of depth effect and smiled for today first day of 2020
Lonely again haha
But I glad the chicken got one another :)
But the crowd for the first day of 2020 never denser
The chatting sound was everywhere here and after a while... turning into my secret path
Time to have a quiet moment
With the tripod, it helped to capture pictures at a right height :)
Tall trees waving and I greeted them back
great to be back here
Sometimes... I realised I didn't hike actually... I was playing mobile games which is bad.
Time to focus on the hike but my hands and mind got tied down to it.
Time to start the long straight path
At least it was one clear and undisturbed path
Hiking on a straight path is so therapeutic
Cyclists love quiet route too :)
Zhenghua Park, it has been a while since I was here.
It was great to have Mr Huawei to position himself at eye level
Mr Tree is a caring friend who helps to provide shade while hiking.
Because after a while, I will have to face Mr Sun's training
Mrs Wind also helped to cool me down, thanks for caring.
Mr Huawei will like to stop for nature shot too. :) perhaps I should look out for him too.
Empty workout counter
When I was young, I wish I can work out more here.
Playground and perfect for pictures. At least a place where there is sand than hard rubber.
Trying something different but failed. Hahaha
Or just take pictures nerdy.
HI! A butterfly came to greet my green shoes.
Let's continue north unshaded
Sometimes taking pictures Mr Huawei, I don't know where I suppose to stand and many blurred and failed pictures too.
Hmm... I checked my time and realised I can't complete the hike, so I need to speed my hike.
Let's take my last few pictures with Mr Huawei and glad that it turned out some good outcome seven though there are many challenges too. I took some time to set up the phone.
I guess I have to end my hike because my friends asked me to go for a lunch
Trying to take some shortcut to get out of this place
Finally got out of that place, I was nearly lost myself and thanks goodness a bus came in time and empty bus :D
I can only cover the distance at 50%, as I wanted to complete the loop so I will do it next time
After a few days when I was back home, I checked Mr Photographer's condition...

IT IS ALIVE! Thank you for not giving up on me!
I love Mr Huawei's effect and I guess I will continue to explore how I can use it. If there is anyone accompanied me, I will confirm used Mr Huawei for photos.


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