Saturday, November 30, 2024

Blog - November Overview

Hi Blog,

November is already one of my busiest seasons, and I will not be able to explore much, but I will try. I update my overview posts more regularly or daily than my long posts.

I guess blogging is a way of healing for me.
This is the best way to treat this blog as my personal cyberspace where I can reflect on random stupid things from time to time.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Personal - First Studio Experience

Hi Blog,

I did not plan on writing a long post for one of my cosplay volunteering events, but I received a lot of photos and had to fit them all into a single date post in my monthly overview. So I hope I do not repeat history.

So, for today's volunteering, let me take an opening picture and document the progress while also keeping a few for a short monthly update.
What is up with this studio experience? I had enough pictures to make a long post.

Today was a simple volunteering event to highlight some cosplayers who volunteered and inspire some young Singaporeans who have dropped out of school due to life priorities and constraints, as well as show them that there are many job opportunities available if we put our minds to it. It also helped a well-known organisation (which will be present today) understand PFAC's mission and future collaboration.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Personal - No No November

Hi Blog,

It is now November, and I am ready to take on another No Nut November challenge. Previously, I had attempted NNN several times since 2018, but I did not blog about it besides my thoughts and one of my experiences in 2020. I then challenged myself twice (2021) and (2023) but failed.

Looking back through my previous posts, I usually last more than 15 days; my maximum was 20 days. Can I make it through more than 20?
Warning to my readers: this post may appear disgusting to the general public, so if you are judgemental and cannot embrace or respect this personal space where I confronted the darkness within myself and being honest... Then please do not continue reading and stay away.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Personal - Swimming Theme #9

Hi Blog,

I recently had an in-depth conversation with ChatGPT about "Collector Burnout." It felt good to be honest with "someone," and it was great to feel understood about what I've been experiencing. I wouldn't want to bore you with trivial matters, and since I've lost the entire conversation with Chat, I'll simply express what I had discussed previously.

Since childhood, I've gathered a variety of items to fill a void, including toys, plants, and swimming trunks. I'll spare you the details of the toys and plants, but it's important to note that I'm dealing with budget and space limitations, and the burnout is always followed...
Initially, I purchased several pairs of swimming trunks because I appreciate the variety and how certain styles fit; owning only one pair isn't practical, especially since I swim regularly. Some people judge me for owning so many, associating it with being homosexual. What they don't realize is that I purchased these trunks in an attempt to boost my confidence. I aspired to emulate the confident and masculine models who look great in them. However, I acknowledge that I can't mirror their physique and appearance, leading to a sense of burnout. Now, I'm reluctant to buy any more trunks as they serve as a reminder of my perceived inadequacies, regardless of the quantity I possess...

I understand that seeking tangible items to fill the voids I experience is only a temporary solution. The inevitable burnout arises from knowing these won't work as I hoped, prompting me to search for something more... something internal. I must learn to embrace myself and manage my expectations rather than succumb to overthinking. Embracing an untoned self and my liking for these swimming trunks is one way to remind myself that I don't need more to fill my voids.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Personal - New Tent on the Island

Yoh Blog!

I can not take it any longer. If you look at my blog (Lazarus search), my last Lazarus trip was a few months ago. I really missed Lazarus Island and relaxed by doing nothing.

I was supposed to go to Lazarus with RD last Tuesday, but RD had a family matter that required his attention, and my school project had not been completed. So I could not go to the island while thinking about work, so I cancelled and went on leave today.
Today was 11.11 Singles Day, I believe... Only this unwanted shxt has to do things on its own... Watching and realising how many of my friends got engaged today... I suppose that added to my reason for wanting to visit the island and test something, as evidenced by the title of this post. Thank you, Heaven, for such beautiful weather rather than dampening.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #104

Hi Blog,

Balancing the feeling of genuinely receiving compliments while wrestling with that underlying sense of unworthiness or inferiority can be tough, and I know that it's a real challenge. Many people feel this—especially those who want to contribute positively to the world but feel they aren’t quite measuring up. That is why I feel receiving compliments is hard to accept—they seem bigger than I deserve. I don’t have the look, wealth, or abilities that many admire, and deep down, I worry about coming up short. But I’m trying to change my mindset.

Learning to Accept Compliments, One Step at a Time
Step 1: I’m starting by simply saying “thank you” without overthinking it. It's okay if I don’t see myself the way others do—small steps matter. Step 2: Blogging is a positive outlet for me; writing about these feelings helps me uncover the good others might already see. Step 3: I’m learning to agree, even if only a little, with the compliments I get. I may not be perfect, but I’m trying to grow, and maybe that’s enough for now.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Blog - New Fifth Banner

Hi Blog,

Here's a quick update for my blog and perhaps for my readers, if anyone cares. I felt inspired to create a new banner and let my creativity flow. Even though my drawing skills are a bit rusty, I genuinely enjoy drawing comics, even if I'm not particularly skilled at it.

I have a general idea of what my banner should look like.
I will draw another banner for a few more years, so for now, I will keep it as is and review my previous banners.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Hiking - Island Club Road Path

Good Morning Blog,

ZN arrived yesterday and stayed overnight at my house to finish the game he had left unfinished and go on a hike.

I was thinking about today's whole-day event. I have to lead an activity for the elderly in the afternoon, assist with a class in the evening, and play badminton with my brother at night. What a long day.
So today's walk will be brief because, on one of my recent hikes in MacRitchie, I discovered a new route to Upper Peirce Reservoir and decided to try it.