Thursday, September 30, 2021

Blog - September Update

Hi Blog,

Hmm... Too many things happened in my life... Some which I can't control or have any saying over, but others took it as I am just finding excuses; to further open the wound and misunderstanding, they just quoted, "If you are sincere, you will find or make time for it." or " you manage your own life between work, family and personal time; no one controls your time besides yourself..."

Oh Yeah, welcome to my Sep update.
Honestly... it was suffocating... Like do they even know what I had to go through? Like meet up, we might had arranged but inconvenience just happened or my availability doesn't match yours. Anyway, I am kind of give up if that was what they think. A lot of negative energy these days...

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Personal - Suits for the Theme #52

Hi Blog,

Today I didn't go for any jog because I got rather tired... and spoiled by rain. I will post one completed Trisuit theme for the day.

I guessed this #52 trisuit theme is just to express my emotionless mood.
Really need to get out of this abyss of physique-comparison trend, which doesn't help me... Anyway, if you had missed my previous trisuit theme #51 (you can click here) and check out the overall collection of the theme here.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Hiking - Bukit Brown Cemetery Visit II

Good Afternoon Blog,

I thought today would rain but eventually, Miss Sky had some other plan and let Mr Sun take over the day. Today hike, I should be bringing a new friend, Ga, for his first hike at Bukit Brown.

Check out the intensity of Mr Sun
Well, since Ga was unable to go I shall go and explore that place myself.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Cycling - To Hampstead

Good Morning Blog,

ZN wanted to go for a ride and asked me to find a place. I thought through... ZN doesn't have a bike of his own but he claimed he can rent the public bike. Seriously?

Since he was so confident about it so we will ride early to wake Mr Sun.
Besides catching the sun rise, I also wanted to cover one place... That is Hampstead Wetland Park.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Trip - Rainy Lazarus

Hi Blog,

Didn't manage to take leave during that term break so I can escape from the school holiday crowd and bring my bro, Sv, who hardly able to take his leave from his heavy workload to my favourite island - Lazarus.
Prepared my usual stuff for this trip and one more additional item, guess what will it be?
Hope it will be a good trip.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Hiking - Anyone Around

Good Afternoon Blog,

My motivation was rather low. Don't know how come it was so low... I shall hike to meet my friend, T, to collect my plant.

Nice weather today
I decided to hike in the noon and will want to go for a spidery-investigation and some self-reflection... Hopefully, I can push myself forwards.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Personal - Suits for the Theme #51

Hi Blog,

yes here come with my #51 trisuit theme! In fact, I just realised that I had completed this theme since last year Jul! hahaha! If you think that I looked younger and lesser fat, you are not wrong because I got older and fatter now.

I should try to get creative here next time
If you want to check out my other trisuit themes, you can click here.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Cycling - Ulu Ride

Good Morning Blog,

Yawning... This was early... 500am... After my mother and I had some big arguement which ended like 1+... At least, it ended at peaceful note.

Wy and I decided to visit one place
To catch sun rise at one popular spot. It will be a short post, so... lets ride!

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Hiking - The Southern Ridges

Good Morning Blog,

Thanks goodness Saturday morning no rain and will be bringing my friend, MF, to kickstart his hiking experience before working. MF picked to explore Southern Ridges, I had gone there many times (like this post) but it was a long time ago.

Morning, Mr Sun seemed happy today.
Alright, Southern Ridges, here I coming!