Friday, April 3, 2020

Personal - Before Circuit Breaker

Hi Blog,

Have you heard about the cockroach19 (covid19 because it sounds about the same and it spreads like cockroach - difficult to detect its next move and when it will show up. Then when it shows up, it flies! RUN!) Anyway, on 3rd Apr 2020, SG had announced a tighter restriction and most facilities will have to stop operation to prevent the virus from spreading; aka Circuit Breaker exercise. So what did I do before Circuit Breaker started?

3rd Apr 2020 (Friday) - As you can see from my attire, you know my plan!
Yes! For those who are not sure why is a lockdown in Singapore called a circuit breaker?

It is because a circuit breaker happens to be present in every SG household and its function is to protect the household from power malfunction. Any disruption is temporal and can be restored.

Anyway, Yes back to topic! I went out for a slow jog with W and let's go! If not, fat will catch up more on me...
We had a good jogging together and that is one way to motivate one another before CB started. I guess I will see him for more jogging when it settled.

Let me look at my checklist. Hmm... Jogging DONE. Next?

4th April 2020 (Saturday) - I was actually wanted to go for a long cycling up North but my mother had some errands for me to clear.
Yes, I had to cycle to my brother's house to open door...
To allow the construction crew to work on his toilet (HDB upgrade) hmm... Waiting and waiting... The crew just gave me an awkward expression when they saw me at the corridor...
Anyway... What a bright and happy Mr Sun today :)
and I just left the construction crew alone while my mother will go up next and I shall continue my ride... But suddenly felt less motivated... Perhaps, my awful body just made them mocking me behind my back...
Feeling rather lousy and my camera was drying too, back home to rest myself.
Just had a good rest especially it rained in the noon. :3 At least, my emotion got better. Let's check our Checklist - Jogging, DONE! Cycling, DONE!

5th April 2020 (Sunday) - What's next?
Yes! :) Hiking! I bet you already knew it.
I believe you know me well, my weekend is either hiking or cycling day. I just enjoy in my trisuit attire, love its comfortableness that embraces my untoniness.
Where was I heading to today?
Wear a top as I was about to take a bus
Cloudless blue sky made the hike a nice one
Because of CB, even the bus had lesser passengers
I met up with ZN and brought him to explore the Rail Corridor, as what I had done last week. This time round, I will hike in an opposite direction. You can check my first hike there here.
Back to that rainbow bridge but this time, the commuters were everywhere on this bridge...
Can't take good pictures though
Shall we continue further?
The feeling of hiking here was rather new and hope there are newer things to observe
All I know is... Here is filled with Mosquitoes!
Thanks ZN for helping on the pictures but he just spammed photos on me... I guess... I am not as handsome as he is, whatever shot he got snapped, still turn out glamours.
Smile for the camera! :D
Too bright... I guess
Oops here is the side which I missed out
Let's go deeper?
Weird pose I did here. Hahaha... I don't even know what was I doing.
I thought of going up to explore again but... I better keep it to myself. :3
I was surprised to see hikers today. I guess this straight path is quite popular among Singaporeans.
There were people bringing their dogs out for a walk here
The ruins here... Hmm... I should have brought my spidey suits but... I doubt ZN will be happy to take pictures for me. I guess I should not waste his time.
WEI! ZN! Stop playing with my phone! (He just spammed)
I just ended it with a thumbup so that he will stop making fun of me.
Next time I shall explore the path here
A dead tree gave me a sense of loneliness...
It seemed like this little stream got flooded due to rain of yesterday.
As we approached nearer to urbanisation, we met many hikers along this rail corridor
Perhaps because it is near residential area, having visitors hiking rail corridor path is not surprisingly especially the morning timing.
ZN felt restless after such boring hike here... Hahaha basically, there is nothing to see along this rail corridor.
We had to end the boring hike sooner.
And ZN was delighted
Next time I will try to walk all the way down myself
Last snap for the day. Thanks ZN for helping.
Our last hike together before Circuit Breaker.
Alright, jogging DONE! Cycling DONE! Hiking DONE! Do you think what have I missed?

Yes! Bingo! Haha! Yes! Swimming!

6th Apr 2020 (Monday) - YES! I am okay! Let's go for a quick swim before it closed, then have to wait for like a month to swim again.
Lucky, here wasn't like grocery shops where people rushed for food. Here is as peaceful as it is.
Okay! Blog pictures cleared. Time to swim now.
Even though, it was a short swimming session. I am surely missed the smell of the Chlorine and water on my body. I will be back swimming Pool.
On the positive note, this pandemic really gave us a time to reflect our life on what is essential to us. Working out for me, is not essential though, but since I do my activity alone usually, I will still do so. What I meant "Essential to us", things like we have to prioritize and take granted for. Do we or will we spend time with our family or even onto ourselves during peaceful time?

During Circuit Breaker mode, students are to have their home-based learning and parents got to guide their kids on basic thing like login and ensure they study at home. Some parents realised that it is not easy to teach their own kids on basic thing like type in their password with Cap etc etc. Those basic skill are painstakingly taught by the teachers and nearly lost the cool when not one but most of them blurred out despite the teacher had already explained how to type in Cap, use a mouse (for example) or other basic knowledge.

Not easy but on the bigger picture, this is for the greater good.


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