Monday, April 6, 2020

Personal - Wonderful Experience

Hi Blog,

I have something interesting to share with you. Recently, I won a prize-giving contest on IG and had a wonderful experience upon collection.

Two weeks ago, I just joined this contest to help my friend to comment and like this IG post for higher winning chance for him. In my mind, either this is a market strategy to gain followers and likes or faking; or it is real.
I can't believe that...

My friend and my name were picked as a winner for this give-away
The host PMed me and asked me to pick the give-away item, so after looking through the remaining items (because I was late respond)... The Marvel seemed like good for me.
After a short last swim before Circuit Breaker started, Mr C and I went down to collect our prize; like traveling from East to West while raining dogs and cats... and late reply while waiting under his block for 20mins+

With great anticipation, we got our gift. Mr C has no choice but to get a cheap headphone, he is also a Marvel fan so he got envious over my winning.

The moment had come! Which one will I be getting? I wish is Hunk Buster! Cap or Spidey is good too. Please! I don't want Thanos here... He looks skinny...
After opening...
OMG! WHAT is this?! Captain Marvel?! Different figure from the box! It is old figure too!
Mr C kept on laughing and he felt that he is not the unfortunate one.

He told his wife about it and his wife just LOLed
Mr C told me that it is a freebie and I should be grateful. After a few boiling moments... I calmed down and I have to learn to be thankful during this situation, despite I felt cheated and trip-wasted...

Then that host PMed me which added salt to my wound... But I tried not to get angry and just disappointed...
It seemed like (take his words) he doesn't know what is inside the box, but... that won't heal my emotion immediately. But I accepted his apology. Through this experience, I learned a great lesson.
At least, he will check the items in future. Good for him.
When others throw shxt on me, I should not react shxtty to them, and be kind and understanding towards them. At least, no damage to him and I got...

A figure which glows light like Ultraman.
So sorry, I can't make myself to like this figure and I won't throw her away. I will put her somewhere to guard my plants.

With Great Expectation, comes with Great Disappointment;
With No Expectation, comes with No Disappointment.

~ Said Mr C and Mdm G

You will find her happily guarding the plants for me

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