Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jogging - April Jogging

Hi Blog,

April of 2020, was a special month for the nation when SG government executed the Circuit Breaker for a month. The Circuit Breaker bill mentioned to restrict movement, gathering and stay at home policy, BUT they didn't say that we can't go for jogging as long as it is engaging in an open setting alone. I will continue to jog whenever I can and hope you will too, to keep yourself healthy.

Don't know why... during these days, the weather was cool and peaceful.
3rd Apr 2020 - In one of my posts (here) before Circuit Breaker started, I decided to clear most of usual activities. Jogging is for SURE must clear.
7th Apr 2020 - ZN got bored at home and dying to step out from his work-from-home situation, so I asked him to go for a short jog despite got distracted by rain shortly. At least, we had a good jog together and spotted a family of wild boar up-close.
13th Apr 2020 - My mother told me to WEAR A MASK while jogging and believe me... Whoever suggested that, has never jogged with a mask on or never jog before. I also jogged to MacRichie to check whether was it closed? It seemed like it only closed during the weekend maybe.
14th Apr 2020 - Trying my best to jog whenever I can. I thought they will close the park during CB mode but I was wrong. They CLOSED it totally! Even though I still can spot some joggers inside jogging. I guessed it is best to stay away first and find an alternated jogging path during this CB mode.
15th Apr 2020 - First time working from home and I like it when I ended my work by 5pm, I can dress up immediately for a jog. I went to MacRichie (different entrance) again, eh! It is not closed at all. So I completed my jog and noticed they made some debris to block the entrance. I wonder why...
17th Apr 2020 - Wearing Mask and GO! Spot a lot of joggers and hikers nowadays. I guess everyone just wants to find a way to entertain and spend their time well. There is a debut towards joggers should or should not wear a mask while jogging... I must say Government set a right judgement (link) hope all joggers will respect this and stay healthy.
20th Apr 2020 - Today evening sky was so bright and warm. Love the warmness from Mr Sun.
27th Apr 2020 - Wow! I just scrolled through my April Jogging posts, I really posted a lot of crap! Hahaha! Who wants to read about me jogging?! Hahaha! Anyway, I just have to force myself to jog. Just wanted to get out of the house for a while and collecting the theme.
29th Apr 2020 - Have to force my lazy butt to go for a short jog before the rain started and my fat catches up.

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