Thursday, April 30, 2020

Blog - April Overview

Hi Blog,

April! :D I can't believe that I keep this overview post for quite some time. It is good to keep my blog neat and organised, but not sure how useful this overview is to any reader if there is any; as I will make some adjustment for the 'My Blog Update Log' session on the right side of my blog. I will update the monthly like an Overview in text form.

1st Apr 2020 -
Trisuit Theme #32
2nd Apr 2020 -
Spidey Faceshell
3~6th Apr 2020 -
Before Circuit Breaker
6th Apr 2020 -
Wonderful Experience
10~11th Apr 2020 -
1st Weekend of CB
11th Apr 2020 -
A Display Box
12th Apr 2020 -
Short-Wave Lamp
13th Apr 2020 -
Power Stone - Calcite
14th Apr 2020 -
Reality Stone - Ruby
15th Apr 2020 -
Time stone - Autunite
16th Apr 2020 -
All Stones Gallery
26th Apr 2020 -
Irresponsible Person

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