Saturday, September 30, 2017

Blog - September Overview

Hi Blog,

It was Jeff's September overview. I found out that I really like this overview arrangement, it was organised and neat for any visitors to view any new posts beside reading the side panel. (IF there are visitors at all.) Well... I don't expect much as I just keep up my writing habit because I love the moment of thoughts and reflections, but I do hope that I can interact with my visitors in some way or other. Oh well... Sorry that I have some impurity of expectations.

1st Sep 2017 -
TokyoFlash Best Service
2nd Sep 2017 -
Spiderman Costume
7th Sep 2017 -
Cycling Three Days
9th Sep 2017 -
STGCC 2017
14th Sep 2017 -
Great to jog again
16th Sep 2017 -
Pulau Hantu Trip
23rd Sep 2017 -
Jogging in the rain
26th Sep 2017 -
Visit New Swimming Pool
30th Sep 2017 -
Learning to accept myself
30th Sep 2017 -
Visit Lazarus and Kusu island
Random September posts
Check it out!

Trip - Lazarus Island and Kusu Island

Good morning Blog,

Today XY and I were planning to go to recee a new place which is yet known among Singaporeans, which is Lazarus Island. (link to read more about the place) One thing that attracted my attention - the BEAUTIFUL Beach!

After some research online, it was quite easily accessible by ferry ride at Marina South Pier.

The first time stepped foot at this MRT station
Feeling excited and thrilled to explore a new place.

Personal - Learning to accept the fact that I am not good looking

Hi Blog,

Recently I learned that why I felt depressed and miserable in past, because I cannot accept the fact that my look isn't society-adored, just a nerd aka loser in the eyes of people…

Just me. I am Jeff. It had been awhile since my last drawing for 2017 National Day.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Personal - Random September

Hi Blog,

On September, I had some random important moments which I wished to achieve. let's me started by listing them down below.

1/9/2017 - Meeting up with Onion and MY together with her newly married husband. Had a great lunching together. All the best to Onion at Germany and MY's wedding! I can't believe that I still come back to this place again after our oBike ride night (post link).

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Swimming - Visit New Bedok Swimming Pool

Hi Blog,

Recently Bedok Swimming Pool (post link & link) closed down and a new one opened near Bedok Central. So today I decided to visit that place.

Beautiful new building.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Jogging - Jog in the Rain

Hi Blog,

Today I decided to go for a slow jog to my favourite 'quiet place', which is near my brother's house, since I was staying overnight there.

Just be happy!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Trip - Pulau Hantu Camping

Hi Blog,

Today 16th Sep 2017 was my first camping trip and visited Pulau Hantu! Previously I went chalet or stayed overnight at my friend's house (not as often as the past) but this time will be different. I got to camp in an open space with nature.

Carried my brother's 8 men tent which he purchased for a long long time and under-utilized.
Thanks Mr K for inviting me to go on this trip despite of my budgeting issue, I just had to work out a way to go on this trip. I did some reading about Pulau Hantu (link) it seemed like quite exciting.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Jogging - Happy To Be Back

Hi Blog,

I checked my workout app and realised I have not been jogging at all. (last post date was more than a month) So I decided to suit up and jogged.

First jog for the month; wore my first trisuit.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Trip - Singapore Toy Game Comic Convention 2017

Good Afternoon Blog,

Today was the day when my bro, who was my playmate since we were young. invited me to accompany him to Singapore Toy Game Comic Convention 2017 (for more detail, click here) at MBS. We used to hang out every weekend to Flea Market for toys, quite nostalgic. :)

Besides first time attending such event, it was also my first time entering an event/show at MBS.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Cycling - Sun, Rain and Moon

Hi Blog,

This week was a school holiday, I would waste the chance to cycle to my workplace as usual since there was no lesson or student around. I cycled for three days straight and experienced some interesting pattern.

05/09/2017 Tuesday - Let's cycling!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Personal - Insomniac PS4 Spiderman Costume - Incomplete

Hi Blog,

Today I decided to buy something (wasteful depend on many people) which I always want to be a superhero - my favourite superhero (there are three: Captain America, Spider-man and Superman).

Why Spiderman? Because I felt Spiderman character just like me, who was nerd and loser in his normal life, but when he suited up or owned superpower, he was more confidence and be himself - be the one that he always want to be. I dreamed...

I got this Insomniac Spiderman Costume from Carousell.
Anyway the reason for getting it is because I love the white spider logo! You know I love white, right? And the seller was selling it cheap. Compare to zentaizone (link), I think I paid roughly the same price. anyway... Let's me try out right now.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Product - Tokyoflash BEST Service

Hi Blog,

Five years ago, I had sent my TokyoFlash watches back to Tokyo for repair (link) and bought a new Kisai Seven clips replacement too last year. Then this year, most of my TokyoFlash watches were no longer functioning anymore.... My Kisai Seven strap broke too... My favourite one...