Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Swimming - Visit New Bedok Swimming Pool

Hi Blog,

Recently Bedok Swimming Pool (post link & link) closed down and a new one opened near Bedok Central. So today I decided to visit that place.

Beautiful new building.
Unique letters which spell "BEDOK"
Thumb up for such a new and great place for a library and any sport-related activity
Fifth floor up swimming pool
What makes everyone excited is that it is sheltered.
So that the swimming sessions won't be cancelled/postponed, but...
I don't like the overall feeling of swimming here like lost something... maybe I missed the sky and the sun... Well... I will try to learn to get used to it again.

FAT me
I guess I have to learn to accept my fat physique... I am old and fat is like a staple in every ageing person's life, excluding those who have Alpha genes and athlete lifestyle. I just have to maintain whatever I can... I just resigned to my fat genes....

Just like Toby, the actor who acted as Spider-Man and other movie stars on Google. Check out their latest pictures. I feel I should not wait until I grow old and regret it. If I can wear it then I should. Just have to learn to love myself.


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