Thursday, September 14, 2017

Jogging - Happy To Be Back

Hi Blog,

I checked my workout app and realised I have not been jogging at all. (last post date was more than a month) So I decided to suit up and jogged.

First jog for the month; wore my first trisuit.
It has been awhile since I jogged... Honestly I can feel my age is catching up...
So I better jog as much as I can, if not I will regret.
Beside feeling older... look at my round tummy... sigh...
To think again... Desired an athlete-like physique - either I go full time or give up anything which I find meaningful and valuable in life (only those closest to me will know what I mean). But... I realised something....

Beside having an awesome physique, It has to come together with a handsome face as a package. Like I can look muscular or shxt, but if I don't have a model face - people won't care much over me beside just looking and admiring at the body.

After having an awesome physique, people will look at the characters, which are matter in long term. So... to reflect myself again. Yes I do dreaming to have a good physique but does it actually affect my character?

Many athletes or demi-gods themselves usually have lifestyle which mold/shape them for what they are now. Another word, athletes need to maintain and continue to train to keep up their records - these are their 'jog' and they are paid for what they need to be. If they aren't paid, do I think they will look like what they can be?

Those demi-gods - they will attend the church of gym religiously. Their lifestyle allow them to be, they sacrifice and invest their time to maintain and buff up their physique. Initially they (mostly) will start up with a superficial reason then eventually they will change their reason to health reason and yes GREAT boost of their confidence level. Nothing more to extend the lifespan of maintaining their life, but this is not what I want in my life personally.

All I want to invest is to improve on my own characters and build my faith. I know I am weak but that is what I need to work on. Instead of becoming lousy and continue to feel inferior over my incompetence, I don't let myself backslide and continue to maintain my health so I can do more things for others!

Having great body doesn't define a person, but our character does. I will remember this. So I have to learn to be thankful and contented on whatever I have now, without ultimate source, I doubt I will have the life to achieve anything.

And selfie my happy moments!
I found a metal fence and it was good enough to lay on it. Usually I will just lay down on the ground and look up the sky, entering some deep thought but I can't... So I just leaned on it and listened to wood!

Today jogging was slower than my usual timing... My stomach was bloated and kept on having air or feeling like shxtting... Oh well... Not a good jog but a great deep thought.


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