Friday, September 29, 2017

Personal - Random September

Hi Blog,

On September, I had some random important moments which I wished to achieve. let's me started by listing them down below.

1/9/2017 - Meeting up with Onion and MY together with her newly married husband. Had a great lunching together. All the best to Onion at Germany and MY's wedding! I can't believe that I still come back to this place again after our oBike ride night (post link).
2/9/2017 - While hunting for oBike at late evening, I found these beautiful spotlights, but my fat body didn't stand out than those demi gods...
9/9/2017 - Finally Found my white swimming cap which I bought from Ipoh, swimming with it made me feel like as if I don't have hair and it can keep my head warm.
28/9/2017 - Today I learned that our school leader wasn't happy that I stored my vegetables in the fridge and took up quite of a space... I understood where she came from; but thanks goodness Mrs M came and discussed the matter with me, and thanks J passed me a storage box to keep my vegetables cool. I guessed... I should learn to be sensitive towards other people's inconvenience beforehand.
28/9/2017 - I had been busy this September so since I will be getting some item from a carousell seller at Yishun, I decided to jog to Yishun 8 km from AMK. I knew I am a slow jogger, I realised that I can't make it in time as promised, so I took a bus ride half way after 5km jog. Oh man... It was a cold ride, and Yes, it was awkward for passengers but they don't bother about me.

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