Saturday, September 23, 2017

Jogging - Jog in the Rain

Hi Blog,

Today I decided to go for a slow jog to my favourite 'quiet place', which is near my brother's house, since I was staying overnight there.

Just be happy!
I found difficult wearing my sock due to my knee injury...
Just continued jogging despite feeling pain on my knee
Just keep jogging, just keep jogging.
Arrived at the gate of my 'quiet place'
Look at this danger signs? Looked like it was screaming NO NO NO for doing anything here, so a big NO for me!
I wanted to jog further but I heard something...
but... RAIN came!
It got too heavy, I had to take cover under a bus shelter.
But I still decided to jog back home.
I was soaked.
But I felt so wonderful.
I always wanted to jog in the rain but I hated the soaking feeling in my shoes and wet glasses which I can't wipe it away.
You know what... I did spend some time to think about wearing trisuit and no matter what reasons I gave, might turn into an excuse, but there is one thing for sure - once I aged, I doubt my size can fit in or my look will look any greater than wearing it now. So I will wear whatever I can and learn to be proud in it.

I also wish that I have a good physique to wear it, but I will say at my current lifestyle (busy with other matters which no one will understand) I am in a great shape now so don't wait until the time phrase was over then started regreting.

Hang my suit and leave it dry. It will be dried sooner. I really love my suit.
but my wound opened up and it hurt... Looked how serious it was in the beginning (here) As I learned, knee wound will take awhile to heal; I guess it is true.
I will continue to jog again once my wound got any better.


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