Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Blog - November Update

Hi Blog,

New month started, the month when she was getting married. I just simply smiled and moved on.

Set a new target and move towards it
I realised these few days Miss Sky seemed like planning to daily-wash the Earth and my calendar started to pack with programmes and meetings... I will try to go for a workout whenever I can.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Personal - Fighting with Inner Demons

Hi Blog,

Last year March, I gave myself a No Fap Challenge (link) for 30 days and even though I did not manage to complete it for 30 days, the overall feeling was great. You may check my initial post first to find out why I wanted to try it.

In this post, I decided to try again. Last time, I failed because supposed to be no fap, basically, no self-stimulation but I just kept edging myself. Hopefully, this time around I will not do that. Fingers cross. While taking up this challenge, I also bumped into this whole exercise called, "No Nut November" aka Nofap month; to show moral support to those people who have Erectile Dysfunction.
Let me share with you, my honest experience of what I had gone through, so please don't judge me and my imagination...

Friday, November 26, 2021

Hiking - Dark Thomson Visit

Hi Blog,

It had been a while since I visited Thomson Nature Park. I checked, my last visit alone was May 2021 (link) which I went alone and in the previous visit was with Sctt on Apr 2021 (link)

Honestly, missing a good friend, Sctt because of a misunderstanding, was not a great experience. I doubt he will learn this but my prayer and blessing to him and other friends who left and ghosted me.
For now, I shall focus on the short hike and get away from my inner demon while I was doing my No Nut Nov challenge.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Personal - Mini Weekend Tour Guide

Hi Blog,

Oh my... my weekend were packed with programmes like hiking, clearing errands and making arrangements for upcoming classes... In this post, I was actually asked to become a "tour guide" for two different places because I shared my hike on FB...

So here, on 20th Nov 2021, I brought a few of my friends for a tour. Want to make a guess where I will be bringing them to?
Oh well... I told myself that I don't want to bring anyone to such tours... because I don't want to trouble the "good friends" anymore. Hope it will be the last time.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Personal - Top Eight Woodneuk Graffities

Hi Blog,

This is my first try of sharing my view of some top selections on certain random stuff. Like this post as titled, this will be my Top Eight Woodneuk Graffities (personal preference)

Since I won't be going there anymore, what remains in my mind when I visited that place, is its graffiti artwork.
You can share with me which graffiti that you like and why. For me, how I based on, is to showcase the detail of that graffiti artwork and effort from the artist. Let's start from the First Graffiti!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Trip - Mount Pleasant Cemetery

Hi Blog,

After this morning hiccups... I felt that I woke up from the wrong side of my bed...

Since the day was good
Let's go and explore one more cemetery near Bukit Brown Cemetery - Mount Pleasant Cemetery.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Trip - Istana Woodneuk Abandoned House

Hi Blog,

Today I don't care rain or shine, I wanted to explore one place which is my list and credit to one of my IG followers, urbex_horse, who guided me the route. I got to know Istana Woodneuk from these following sites: wikipedia, stateofbuildings and smartlocal. (I will encourage you guys to check them out and see how much changes it got since then.)

Mr Sun and Miss Sky seemed to know that I am going to somewhere... and they showed their worries.
Warning: That place is still forbidden to enter because of it is not a safe place for visiting. I hope my visit will discourage you to. And hope readers can keep this harmless personal blog low profile. I don't want troubles.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Personal - Suits for the Theme #55

Hi Blog,

Usually, it seemed like a monthly tradition to kickstart my monthly update with a trisuit theme which I had gathered for months.

These few days, it had been raining so I can't go for a jog.
Hope Miss Sky will let me go for a jog.