Saturday, July 23, 2016

Personal - My Birthday Celebration on Saturday 23rd July

Hey Blog,

After a mini celebration yesterday, Weekend I will just do my usual activities like coaching and attending meeting, or even exercising. 

Today I went to Mr Li's house to do some coaching with some youths, and out of my surprised they prepared a BIRTHDAY cake for me and it was my favourite CARROT CAKE!!! It was a HUGE CAKE! And it got my Chinese name on too! Hahaha...

okay... don't laugh at my Chinese name.
Making a wish.
Oh man, they should include Mr Fox into this celebration. 
blow the candles. No problem at all.
Cut the cake session
Thank you guys for this surprised. :,) and Mr Li for preparing our dinner. :D it was filling!

Too bad, Alan can't be here.

After this, I stayed over at Xuanyi's place for tomorrow session for convenient sake and he also surprised me with DURIAN PUFF!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! This puff was GOOD!!!!

Thank you Xuanyi too. :)


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