Saturday, August 31, 2024

Blog - August Overview

Hi Blog,

After July, I had a clear aim for my life, but there were some unresolved backlogs, specifically relating to friendship. I will share in general, when meeting new people, we often encounter individuals who initially appear genuine and sincere. There’s a certain hope that this new connection could lead to something meaningful for one another, even though my past experiences have taught me to be cautious and I am also trying to understand that not everyone will have content to discuss besides personal objectives. Personally, opening up to someone new is always a gamble, but it's a risk we take in the hopes of forming a true bond.

Sometimes, however, the intentions of others can be a mix of friendship and something more. Even when I try to set boundaries and communicate my discomfort, the lines can get blurred. My hope to preserve a friendship often leads me to make concessions, even when, I know it might not end well.
After an encounter that involved crossing the line, the nature of the relationship changed, just as I had expected. The closeness we once felt began to fade, replaced by distance and fewer conversations. I feel regretful and blame myself for allowing things to reach this point, especially when I sensed and mentioned the potential for disappointment from the start, only to be dismissed by the other party. I feel like a fool because they could just exit easily since they already got what they wanted and affirmed that I am still that stupid person from the beginning.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hiking - One Rainy Path

Good Morning Blog,

If I have a free Saturday morning, I'll go hiking to try out my new camera. However, I've been asked to stay at my sister's house to help her sort through her housing applications.

Unfortunately, Miss Sky chose to shower the earth this morning.
After checking the weather patterns, the heavy rain appeared to be concentrated over the Indonesian islands and south of Singapore. Considering this, should I proceed with a hike??

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hiking - Revisit Keppel

Hi Blog,

Given that I am attending Gardeners Day Out at HortPark and having lunch at Funan, I will take advantage of the pleasant weather and explore with my new camera!

Err... This weather is a bit moody, but I'm sticking to my decision!!
I plan to perform a camera test to evaluate its performance against my previous model. Moreover, I intend to introduce my new camera into my regular explorations. Today's hike will serve as an opportunity similar to an exploration I undertook in October 2023.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Personal - Swimming Theme #8

Hi Blog,

My latest monthly post mentioned that I recently got a new camera. The swimming theme photo collection was taken with two different phones because my Google Pixel phone stopped working. Due to this, I decided to end the theme collection and publish it as is, even though it was incomplete.

The photo was taken in one of the restroom stalls.
This theme was one of the most difficult to complete because there were always swimmers around, so I didn't want to make them uncomfortable with my untoned body.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hiking - More Yishun Forest

Good Morning Blog,

The long weekend was rainy, so I couldn't go for a short hike. But today looks like a great opportunity! So where am I going then?

I had the pleasure of using my new camera and capturing some shots. I must say, it's a great investment! The colour and clarity are just perfect!
Today, I opted to revisit Yishun Forest, and I'm grateful that Elmo (who stays nearby) decided to join me on this little adventure.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Product - Insta360 Ace Pro

Hi Blog,

You know, my camera was drowned when it took a plunge into the water. I feel bad for making it swim. At the same time, I knew it was on its days were numbered. I hope my camera won't take it the wrong way as if I murdered it. Since 2016, we have created many wonderful memories and experienced some challenges... So... this time, no more EX-FR100 (already discontinued), but I consider this new camera an upgraded version of my old one!

Even though I was on a tight budget this month, I decided to invest in a new camera. After watching numerous YouTube videos for research, I realised that the Insta360 GO2, which I purchased in 2023, did not meet my expectations, and I still prefer the features of the EX-FR100. The Insta360 Ace Pro has everything I need!
What made me choose the Insta360 Ace Pro? Was it the price, features, or specs? It's time for a non-professional review of a product. Don't worry, I won't go into detail describing the specs and functions.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #101

Hi Blog,

#101 trisuit theme - just a reminder for myself that I moved on.

Apart from the conclusion of my unfruitful romantic saga, the next chapter that weighs on my mind is friendship.
I haven't identified a clear pattern yet, but what I do know is that people come and go. Especially when many initially seem sincere and eager to kindle a friendship. However, once they received the confirmation or acknowledgement, their demeanour changed and became distant, even though I made an effort to be open and approachable...