Friday, July 31, 2020

Personal - July Randomness

Hi Blog,

Due to my body sickness, and most of my personal's time is cutting down because most of my duties are coming back. I will try to do more for my randomness.

6th Jul 2020 - To follow up from my MC post (here) Sitting there feeling nervous and got a jab (doctor ensured that I will get better by the next day) and antibiotics to cleanse myself. Thanks Heaven for taking care of me. Sorry if I made any mistakes. No more le...
8th Jul 2020 - Two days after an injection, I recovered! Feeling so happy which made me eating fattening stuff! Hahaha!
10th Jul 2020 - Today was our SG Polling day. I feel so happy when it was treated as a public holiday, one more day to rest myself. Hope after today, the result will be a surprise and bright for everyone. For me, I will take my own sweet time to focus on draft my blog post for today hike and learn something new which I don't get to do usually.
12th Jul 2020 - Went for a grocery shopping and found a new egg package which captured my attention. It is made of recyclable material and will support purchasing such a product forever. One more which also caught my attention - the expiry date. :) Thanks for reminding my day.
18th Jul 2020 - Today hike was invited by ZH and JF, they wanted to go for a hike from Bedok to EAst Coast to Garden by the Bay. Sounded interesting to me. While we were walking along East Coast, ZH pulled out a black trash bag to pick up litter. Interesting :) We picked up the trash as we moved along and I got three people gave us an acknowledgement. :) Feeling great. And ZH and JF treated me to enter Flower Dome. Yippee! the MOST Chill visit while the flower dome has lesser visitors. XD
20th Jul 2020 - Goodbye my green shoes. We had conquered and fought for many journeys together. Feeling sad to let you go... because you are still fighting on protecting me. After I left you besides the bin... my heart was aching because I don't want to let you go. For you, I swear any future shoes if they don't have wound (holes) I will wear it until they completed their destiny. You shall be missed...
21st Jul 2020 - Finally I could cycle to my workplace during school holiday but this week seemed rather short... I can only ride for the most three times during the week break. I guess I will have to tie my cycling experience under randomness than creating a cycling post alone. So hope my blog won't mind.
22nd Jul 2020 - This morning when I was about to step out, I heard a rustling sound from outside. As I checked, that elderly started to pull out the stick which my pitcher plant is supporting onto. He just walked away like normal. Honestly... I was checking on my emotions... First, I got worked up because in my previous experience (March Randomness), he just did it irresponsibility. Second, while I was calmed... I know there is nothing I can do to him. He is mentally challenged; he can't think straight, so will our mindset like responsibility or whatever will even make any sense to him? Nope. I need to learn to pity and be even more forgiving than ever. Third, I imagined if it is me to become like him or have a relative like him, what will I do? Besides hatred and shame, is there anything positive for me to cultivate myself? Yes which is to be forgiving and acceptance. Even though the best is to Love but I have to be real. I can't as I really don't know or can't do that just yet. Even thought he is my neighbor's brother, she can't do anything to him but acceptance. Making a police report can't help much as I still carry hatred and anger in me, which I don't wish to feed. Dear Heaven, please leave my plants alone... Don't let them died like that... but yes... I will prepare for the worst.
24th Jul 2020 - OOPS! I woke up an hour late and late for work but the morning was so nice and Sunny, it was a perfect ride to work so I still took my waifu out. :)
31st Jul 2020 - Besides celebrating my bday a few days ago, today we celebrated an elderly's birthday. I guess I am a bad communicator with an elder... They don't share much and give me a one-liner statement. I can't last too long... haha

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