Monday, July 20, 2020

Trip - Me-time Island

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday morning trying to release my steam, today morning I will want to some more me-time somewhere. Do you know where I will be spending my morning?

Mr Sun was waiting for me outside my door, warming my cockles. :) thank you Mr Sun for being there for me.
Getting ready - Food SET! Mat YES! Water YUP! Tripod GOT IT! Let's GO!
Since it was a new day, let's start my day with a smile
Back to Marine South Pier, a long queue of workers to work on the sea.
Yes! I guess you know where I am going.

As usual, after purchased the ticket, today was slightly different due to I will always come here early but knowing the first ferry starts at 10am during the weekday, I just arrived on time.
Yes Mr Sun, I will see you over the island
Yes! Happy moment to be alone but...
Just when I was overwhelmed with joy...
Loads of visitors started to fill up the ferry... making Weekday to Weekend. Sigh... Couples just made my feeling sinking deep in the sea...
I just turned to the window and looked afar, let my emotion sunk... I am not going to save it...
Just let the time stopped so I won't think further...
Arrived and shaking my head... to have an expectation for today trip. I should manage myself.
Good Morning, beach and trees :)
My imagination kicked in that another dimension door split the fabric of our reality and something landed on this platform but can't be seen.
After careful investigation, the trek ended here. I will search the abandoned house.
I wondered why and what is that something come here for?
There was something new here. Previously there was no blue blanket.
Time to transform!
My spider-sense sensed something not right here
Checking every single room here
This room seemed clean and quiet. I love this place :)
Can take some pictures here - Perfect!
Wait... I could hear something behind this wall, let move to another room.
Thick vegetation blocking the path. hmmm... what is inside there?
Hmmm... A toilet without a blue curtain
Mosquitoes breeding area. Best to leave this place asap.
OH! This room walls were closing to trap me within!
I have to get out of here. Lucky I managed to escape from it...
There was something wrong with the blue curtain...
I sensed something is moving there...
I touched it to take a closer look
It turned out, it is ALIVE and it grabbed both of my hands!
I tried to break free from this blue thing and it started to drain my energy!
As I struggled on the floor awhile, suddenly realised the strength of the blue stuff wore off which puzzled me...
Because... I woke up from a seat. Hmm... I wondered what had happened... I wished my wild imagination was playing tricks on me. Pardon me, Blog and my readers if any. I am just trying to make up a story from this area. Just let my imagination runs wild so that I can escape from this reality, become someone who is not me. Anyway, it will be my last visit here. Thanks abandoned rooms for accompanying and playing with me
Feeling better to escape from reality awhile. Hope you won't judge me.
Back to reality, I will have to go to Lazarus Island Beach while Mr Sun was summoning me.
It seemed like Mr Sun was having fun at the beach. I had to double my walking pace.
Awww.... MY BEAUTIFUL BEACH but but... the beach was filled with visitors...
I just stood there...
Feeling the waves' calling...
They were calling me to play with them...
But I have to go... I can't do it here... I don't feel positive... the feeling of working out in gym came back... So it is best I exited...
Trying to find a quiet spot for myself...
I will pick that place at ST John Island
Seemed quiet
Spot a beautiful and unique ship on the sea - Looks like an ancient ship
As I approached, I feel better when this place was not taken. :)
Perfect shelter for me to leave my stuff and rest until the next ferry.
Get ready for suntan!
I beat down this coconut tree!
YeS! Perfect there is no one taken this beach besides me :3
Even though the beach sand here is slightly rougher than Lazarus. Better than nothing to own the beach myself.
Spotted a cute hermit crab. We are quite similar, you know. Shy and introvert
I returned that hermit crab back to the sea and time to soak myself in the cool cool water.
Time for a Me-Time and free myself from the web.
I know... I need to accept the fact that different people leading different lives. They may have their views and on the majority but that doesn't mean they are right...
Because they are not me, I drive my own car. They may own a Ferrari and I only have a forklift. But each of us functions differently. Ferrari owners won't be able to carry the load and do I have to mock him for that? No. I will not behave like them.
I hope I can and will free myself from it. I will!
Bunk up myself, give myself a smile and tell myself that I am doing well. Just looked at the fat tummy I have! SO FAT!
Oops! Mosquitoes bites... I think I will suntan under the sun.
Suntan and I love this feeling to tan with Mr Sun.
Okay Time's up! I need to go to Kusu Island and checked out the amount of visitors...
Thanks Heaven for letting me have a spot for myself. Thank you.
Kusu Island. gee... My camera ran out of battery life so can't take pictures with it
Took the last two pictures and time to go home, Jeff. Remember to Smile.
I decided to give another ferry service - Marine South Ferries, a try because this morning, they were struggling to get business. I felt that we should give them a chance too. I learned that they have scheduled trip to Sisters' ISLAND too! Their scheduled timing is worth and way better than my usual pick :)
Singapore Island Cruise Ferry schedule is rather inferior as compare to Marine South Ferries.
In conclusion, If you already have a plan for a certain island, then you can go for either two ferry services since they cost the same. As comparing their scheduled timing, Marine South Ferries seemed to have better timing and you won't feel like rushing. If you want to cover most of the southern islands, then go for Marine South Ferries too but only on Weekend. Singapore Island Cruise has free Gongcha voucher if you like Gongcha :)

Yippee! It seemed like I got some suntan on my skin, too bad, I didn't do enough at my side of my body. Next time must take note.
Alright! Blog. Thanks for be there with me. Life still goes on.

My mentor sent me a quote:

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space, is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and out freedom. ~ by Viktor E. Frankl
I guess I will feel better for now, It is a choice I made and I will be strong.

In this world where people celebrate 'couplism' and condemn 'Singlehood' by saying there is always someone for everyone; to be completed. They are not wrong and it is always great to have a partner to loved and cared. But I also see many couples from love to hatred, become a society issue and some even lies and cheats. Are their life completed after finding a partner? Yes it is sweet and loving in the honey moon period. For me, Why I am single because I desire for that loving feeling but I am also aware of the potential conflicts between couple. I am picky because I am looking for a lifetime partner who embraces one another and willingly to work together to build a future. So not to find anyone to fill in that empty slot of my loneliness. I can complete myself even if I am alone. Anyway, many single lonely years to come, I will be okay. I will be.


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