Friday, July 31, 2020

Blog - July Overview

Hi Blog,

Writing my blog since 2014 after a few years of hibernation and my immaturity (had zero direction and purposes for my blog), my blog dated until today, six years already! Not sure how long I will last, but I will continue to do what I like, and like to share with my blog-fans. I learned that there are some supporters in my blog waiting for my posts every day, feeling very motivated. Thank you to you, my Blog for being my reading-eye and my blog royal fans.

2nd Jul 2020 -
Seeing a Doctor
3rd Jul 2020 -
Extra Help on Snapping
5th Jul 2020 -
Found Another New Quietness
8th Jul 2020 -
Trisuit theme #37
10th Jul 2020 -
During Polling Day
11th Jul 2020 -
Explore Unexplored Trek (Left)
12th Jul 2020 -
Explore Unexplored Trek (Right)
19th Jul 2020 -
Eased my Anger
21st Jul 2020 -
Me-Time Island
25th Jul 2020 -
My 41st Birthday
30th Jul 2020 -
Trisuit theme #38

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