Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Swimming - July Swimming


Finally! During CB phrase 2, the public swimming pool was operating again! I can smell the Chlorine just by thinking of it! But but... Public Swimming Pool was not operating as usual. Now we needed to book through the ActiveSG, only an hour time slot, and can only swim after 630pm onwards (while other timings were for reserved for older people (morning time) and lessons (afternoon time) The only hope I had, is Safra! Thanks Goodness! Now I can continue my swimming posts.

Safra operated as normal with one restriction!
They only allowed Max number of swimmers to 50.
Thanks to Mr C, we went for swim after work and that timing will be lesser visitors slot. Perfect for us to swim 
The Chlorine sipped into my mask through my nostril to my brain! Feeling Excited!
Hi! Red Cross and yellow tape. Don't know why I am really missed you.
1st Jul 2020 - I know I have a shxtty body and not blessed with great genes but I just like to be who I am and what I like.
2nd Jul 2020 - After seeing a doctor in this post, I went for a good swim and met up with Uncle E. It had been a while for a good swim! Love the less crowded toilet.
9th Jul 2020 - The day before polling day, my workplace was converted into polling and counting centre so we were told to leave the place (half-day off) for them to set up. The pool was utterly quiet, XD PERFECT!
15th Jul 2020 - Recently, I tried to do my usual table push-up, feeling rustling and I can only do a few lapse as my arms are aching. Hope I will get better next time in term of table push-up and swimming laps.
22nd Jul 2020 - Today swim was rather tiring... as my mood was beaten up again... Since Sat group chat bombard, that elderly destroyer, and news about 'Spider' got a BF... I had a lot of mixed feeling... Hope she will be happy. I have to learn to move on... dragging my tired body and mind forward...

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