Thursday, July 2, 2020

Personal - Seeing a Doctor

Good Morning Blog,

It will be a short post. After giving myself a timeframe (two weeks) to heal, subsided result seemed positive but recently...

It returned and remained. Not getting worse but still there.
Time to visit Doctor to get me a cure. I don't know how I got the sickness... I will just be honest and clueless, seeking help from the doctor.
Feeling like I got stuck in the situation which I don't like. Just have to face it myself whom I should blame myself.
Made my appointment through an app, and can only book an appointment on the actual date.
Feeling mixed... who will understand...
After measuring myself at the counter... The result showed and firmed up what I find difficult and challenging to change anymore... First... I didn't know there is a drop of my height... Now I got 2cm shorter... And Yup! I am overweight... Even though, I lost 2kg so far... sigh still fat... Who am I fooling? Life acceptance in progress...
Now... Hope for the best and prepare for the worst... It is already the worst... I wish it is not female doctor... because it will only shame me evermore.
The doctor was very puzzled about how I got this sickness... he checked - no pain, no anything... how did I get it?!
But honestly... I just treated him like a close friend and shared my issue with. Lucky he approached me non-judgy and wanted to help. But after consultation, the feeling of embarrassment and shame is SO OVERWHELMING. oh well... I just want to resolve it and he advised me to go for a test to get the right identity for the right antibiotics. Sigh...

I felt so moody now and hated to attend questions which I didn't do. Just made an appointment for the test on Monday and planned to get the medicine and RUN! I don't want to know how it happened and all I want is to recover sooner.

So I got myself two days mc... What will I do next? Hahaha! Carry on my other posts here then!


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