Sunday, July 12, 2020

Hiking - Explore Unexplored Trek (Right)

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday I hiked on an unexplored unofficial trail (here) - Woodcutter Trail and felt fun and excited because got to explore newer places. Fear of being caught while hiking within a restricted area. But after the exploration, I have more confidence to try again because I wanted to complete the whole trail.

My problem for wanted to complete or to have a set expectation kicked in.
To feel "completed" since I can do it.
Yesterday I said that I will discard the green shoes as it was wearing off already but I decided to complete the shoes and gave it - a completed send-off.
Shall we go now?
Arrived to Cashew Station. Oh man! I forgot to bring my sweat waistband.
I guess I will have to wipe the sweat with my hand again.
Oh yes! Mr Sun. Where were you yesterday? I can't find you at all. Ooo... You got scared hiking in the unknown terrain?
Come, Mr Sun, let's give yourself a chance and I can guide you along.
Oh! Do you see what I see?
On the same branch, you will spot two insects together like friends hanging out together. PUN! Okay, enough of stupid statement.
Hmm... where are the cyclists? but the weather seemed like... yes? Miss Cloud. Where is Mr Sun?
Hmm... Miss Cloud just kept quiet and Mr Sun lost his way. I guess I will just start my exploration first.
Getting more and more slippery. Hang in there, green shoes.
Back to the first warning sign. Instead of taking the right path if you can see, I decided to take the left path which connects and up to Granite Hill.
Great to know the route like reading your palm
Back to Granite Hill and take pictures with the beloved granite, as if I got attached to it hence I feel the granite needs some connection... or just me? LOL
Now I feel more confident after my first hike yesterday. It does make me feel so experienced now.
I won't be lost now. :D
Sometimes I feel I might be consumed by the wood when I got too confident so I still need to observe the trek carefully.
Yesterday I didn't have a chance to take a good shot of this stream. Look at the space here - wide and we need to be focused while hiking at such wide open space
Bicycle treks will help you to identify and ensure we are on the right path.
I was back to the Left and Right Split path. I will be taking the right path... but... I realised there is another one behind my camera. Hmmm... as I just saw a couple took that path. it seemed like there are more for me to explore.
Right side trail - they are different from the left, here is more like "stream" path which cut through the wood; No wonder it is named as WoodCutter Trail.
As you see, there is a clear distinction of path, you won't get lost.
Look at this man-made wooden bridge for visitors and it is a firm and stable one. That marked my first milestone for right trail.
Started to rain
Oh dear, now I know why Miss Cloud kept quiet and Mr Sun went missing... They were plotting rain to sabotage me.
I had to double my walking speed to get out of the wood but...
The "stream" started to carry stream of rainwater and I can say bye-bye to my shoes
Well done, a ponding marked the milestone of my exploration.
A cyclist just cut through the water which ensured that it is not that deep.
Let's try to walk on top of the logs
Okay! I slipped and I gave up!
I just sacrificed myself and walked in the cool ponding. Quite fun! XD
I was soaked... From top to bottom...
I wished there won't have any more...
Muddy ground ahead... I was wrong
Wanted to take a picture of my dirty shoes
YIPPEE! Why was I happy because of two things, one - the rain stopped and two - when I saw this, that meant I am near Upper Peirce. :D
I can hear vehicles dashing through the road splitting the water on the wet road. Yes yes!
Yup! Upper Peirce, Old Thomson Road! :D Achievement unlocked!
Give myself a thumb up. I did well!
Time to go home.
In the right trail, I don't see any warning sign but they have it near the entrance of the trail.
Lucky I was not caught for it...
Or consumed by the wood. Haha
Rain during afternoon might discourage visitors to visit Upper Peirce but it doesn't stop those who travel by cars.
Amazing thing was after 15 mins later, my body and hairs dry up. Haha. COOL experience and amazing hike!
Time to go back and rest.


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