Thursday, February 14, 2019

Product - Revive My Photographer

Hi Blog,

First, some recap of my recent happening - from my previous post (link), it was about my death Photographer, EX-FR100, as it was my second purchase to replace the first (link and if you want to read more about my 1st, you can click here) and it only lasted me for less than three months but it had gone through many fruitful trips together.

Because I can't afford $330 to fix it, in order to use it, I will have to buy a new again. Felt rather lost but after a stormy day...

After I received my marksman $200 bonus (link), things started to have a positive turn.
I found a seller selling her EX-FR100 for $200, which she only used for less than five times. My marksman bonus came in handy! I connected that seller quickly and closed the deal as other carousel sellers are selling at an average of $300.

Bought it!
What also makes me feel so excited because it also comes with accessories!

from the 3rd purchase
Let's me show you!

Ahhh... Something that scraps on my bike which I had lost from my first purchase and it was great to have it back.
I got this selfie stick from my 1st purchase too but I lost that round thingy which disabled the stick and now I have another one!
ooo! EAM-1 which costs $30, I can use it for a tripod!
EAM-2 costs $30, a clipper for EX-FR100. :D NICE!
Another free macro SDcard! It will serve as my backup!
To think back, I actually got a good deal! Like example, buying a new EX-FR100 is $590. For my 2nd purchase from the carousel, I spent $200 for the 2nd EX-FR100 (around $101) + EAM-7 (lighting: $99)

This is EAM-7.
For this third purchase, I spent the same amount on it but it came with a lot of accessories. Let's me explain, I spent $200 and it has EAM-1 and 2, both will cost $55-60, one selfie stick (makes it $10 cheaply) and the camera will cost $130. In the total of 2nd and 3rd purchase, it will be $400 and it is cheaper than buying a new one; way better than repair!

Thank you 2nd EX-FR100. You serve me well. I will keep you and might open you up to see your inner organs.
First shot from 3rd EX-FR100 and managed to convince my colleague to get one of this :D
I missed you so much, let's explore the journey together


  1. Be positive and everything happens for a reason. In the end of the tunnel there is always light.


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