Friday, February 15, 2019

Jogging - Seeing Sunset

Hi Blog,

It was Friday so... What will I do on Friday evening? JOGGING!

ZN asked me to go for a short jog and I decided to bring him to see one of the beautiful sunset-locations in Singapore.
It will be a short post with the help photos by ZN.

I brought him to visit Lower Peirce Reservoir since it is near my home.
Awww... It was blocked by clouds though...
At Lower Peirce Reservoir, one of the unique locations is this boardwalk.
What an opportunity to have ZN to take pictures for me while such beautiful scenery
I know I will spoil the scenery with me in it but I will just YOLO, and not for others but to embrace the moments.
Here is ZN, yeah. I read from the "chat with me" page, there are readers preferred to see more of ZN. I think this is the benefit and greatness to look handsome, which I won't have.
well, I will just celebrate living.
Untoned and plain me, It is time to accept who I am.
what a quiet place here where you can chill
Time to go back
Last pic - Thanks for taking pictures for me.
ZN's turn.
Wooooow Epic Sunray!
ZN, please take a picture for me!
Thanks Heaven for shining the light
I only Live once for this life, I will not spoil this life and be hopeful.
So... Has our photo session ended? NO! hahaha We found a new place to take pictures.

Why I choose to take pictures here because it is not-so-singapore. :D
Look like I am at elsewhere. :)
Anyway, thanks ZN for helping me to capture the evening and lighten my after-valentine-day mood. :)



  1. Inner beauty is better than outer appearance. Appreciate what you have and enjoy life to the fullest. You only live once.

    1. I only live once for this life. :) I can either spoil it or spoon it to the fullest. :)


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