Saturday, February 16, 2019

Cycling - Celebrate my CNY with my Waifu

Good Morning Blog,

It was Saturday! Initially, I was supposed to go for a short hike and swim before continuing on with my afternoon program. I may want to sleep somemore but I decided to spend time with my waifu. :)

Since I was cycled alone and to my quiet place - I will wear my ugly white cycling suit.
But I will ride it with a top over the suit to cover my untoned body and my ugly nipples.
It will be a short post of my first cycling experience for 2019 and introduced my 3rd photographer of the places where I used to visit.

Along the way to my quiet place, there is a road construction on-going, I wonder how it will look like after it has done. 
How is my photographer doing? It seemed like it is scared of riding.
REACHED and love the tranquility here.
Lesser visitors meant it is safe for me to take off my t-shirt; as it will be cooling without it.
I am surely missing my camera; felt so lost during the days without it.
Now I am going crazy!
Photo-Craze session
Nice Quiet place - Perfect for photos
Let's check there out
I have not walked near to the bank of the reservoir because no one helps to look after my bag and waifu, but today was safe!
I won't need to look back constantly...
Just spam-taking pictures freely
Beautiful and peaceful here
Oh? Am I too far away?
okay, I won't stray too far away from you (photographer)
Have you ever wanted to look like someone famous? Just pose like Sir StamfordRaffles. Hahaha
I guess I am not properly dressed to be him, Time to step down from the platform.
The environment was so quiet, it calmed me down greatly
I also tended to feel sleepy after that... The sound of the wood smoothes you to.... zzzz.........
But no no... I had to be focused on my objective here - reading
Thanks my Waifu accompanying me and keeping me safe
My waifu was happy that I still spent time with her. I will take her more often.
Time to go back and continue my afternoon fat-gaining activity.



  1. You are a nature lover. Taking beautiful shots and enjoying the environment with your waifu. Keep it up and be happy and healthy.

    1. Thank you Uncle Jimmy. If you want to visit this place, let me know.


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