Friday, January 25, 2019

Personal - Fruitful Reservist

Hi Blog,

This week I had to be away for a week of reservist. Initially, I had mixed feelings about it - unsettling workload in my workplace and it was also served as a good break as I wished to be.

Woke up early morning like 5:30AM to fold my uniform.
But it was my happiest and fruitful reservist ever. Even though it might seem normal like any other reservists for anyone else but it does matter to me.

Get ready to go to the camp in the early morning.
There are some points why this reservist was fruitful and rewarding for me.

1) Finally, Meet Someone I know

This reservist was my first low key ICT and while I had gone for four High key. In the past ICT (in-Camp Training), I don't know why... whenever I went back for my reservist, I know no one at all. I don't know who to look for. Everyone has their own clique to look out for one another, to talk and catch up and feeling like a liability to the company as they don't know where to put me. So basically, I have to try to test and break the border of the cliques... But it was difficult when they don't 'accept' any outsider whom they have no interest with.

But this time, I finally teamed up with someone whom we used to work under, before my ORD. They knew whom I am and after many years, we finally have this chance to meet up. Feeling like a lost and found moment, the bond which I am always looking for a reservist when I hear from other people's sharing of their reservist experience. This time, my wish was fulfilled.

One of them was willing to fetch us back and fore to camp every morning.
Even though I have my own clique, that doesn't mean I will leave any man behind. I am also trying to help out anyone who is left behind, bring them into a group and look after them; best is that I make some new friends.
One exciting thing was that I bumped to one of my ex-student WQ. We had a good long catch-up session at night, he has grown up and the feeling as his teacher (nope, should be a trainer) is unforgettable and rewarding.
2) A Different Mode of Training

In my past ICT reservist were always a relax and feeling like an extra in the company.

Sometimes staying in and staying with people whom I don't know.
This time, my Low Key ICT was to prepare us with a live range by using SAR21. But... I am M16 trained, will I be able to know how to use SAR21 within days?

Nearly got a 100% marksman and I don't know why I missed one. Hahaha... But who cares! We got extra $200 for that1 :D
And during this reservist, I got a chance to speak to our OC and how to make the next ICT a better for everyone. Even though I can't come out a good solution but at least, one of the core values which I exercise, "Care for soldiers." I don't like Army/reservist to be disorganised which will benefit no one in the future. This was a meaningful reservist.

(ZN's pic) At least, I can book out annd back home to water my plants at night.
3) Memory Reload

When I was there especially when I met up with some familiar faces, I felt that I went back to my NSF life and time connect to the present.

Just like this rojak, I used to purchase this special rojak from one of the canteen stalls. (without shrimp paste)
He still remembers me and gave me extra :) Just look his stall, after so many years, the exterior doesn't change a bit. Best, was to catch up with my company mates.
Sweet sweet memories sure put a smile on my face.

I also learned something important about this reservist, I sense the importance of reservist where the little green man activation gives a strong sense of Singaporean readiness to put down our private stuffs to protect our little red dot, which other nations might not able to have such system in their people. We have to be proud we are able to.

In the end, I won't be able to go for any reservist after next year... But if the next reservists are going to be with people who I know, and holding some responsibilities, I won't mind serve some more rounds (they call it roll-over) until I complete my cycle.

I expressed my interest to my sup, they made this for me. :) If it is possible, let's do it!
A short and simple post for this month. Too bad, I can't capture many pictures as in-camp is advisable not to take any sensitive picture or brings any camera around (besides... my camera was spoiled... hopefully I have enough cash to get it fixed)



  1. I'm impressed you're very positive about your NS and want to do sth productive and meaningful about it. Most people aren't like you.

    1. Haha hi anonymous. Thank you for your encouragement I appreciate it a lot. I believe that I can Either make my day or spoil my day. So why don't I take it positively. (because there are still some matters which I take it negatively. So I can only try to reduce it or not to increase it)

  2. Great, proud to be a Singaporean serving and protecting our nation. Glad that you served your reservist training with a positive attitude and also to meet someone you have not seen for many years.

    1. Hi uncle Jimmy. Yes :) after this round of reservist and speech from our chief of armor, I have to stay positive towards my green life.


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