Sunday, February 3, 2019

Personal - Spring Cleaning

Hi Blog,

Today was the last weekend before CNY. Instead of going out for hike or cycle, I decided to spend some time with my mother and home.

Time to clean my own room
It will be a short post of my little errand for the day.

One thing why I noted down my small errand on my blog? Because today, I sensed something different while I was spring-cleaning. I wiped every corner in my room - like cleaning it seriously.
I wipe every inch on my door with a wet tissue.
Feeling so proud of myself - I feel so responsible and positive, unlike my previous years of spring-cleaning experience (feeling like a chore)
After cleaning my house, my mother asked me to accompany her to clean my brother's house. When I was there, my mother just asked me to sit and relax at his place but I just volunteered to lend her a helping hand.

Changed the bed sheets and pillows of the tenant's room
Changed my brother's bed sheet with his favourite - a bit of innocence that he has
Helped my mother to carry this heavy piggy bank for her to wipe the corner
Paste the new CNY decoration
To have some CNY mood :)
And his door before he got back from work
Since we didn't get some plant - a lighted plant might help
Are you prepared for CNY yet?
Today my mother was happy that I offered my help to ease some of the load. As a son, family member, this is just part of my responsibility and what I can do to help whenever my mother needs me to.

I also bumped to this random video online which moved me. :,) Thanks Heaven for sending me such an important message because I visited one of my colleagues' wake and recent news of Aloysius. I learned to Treasure every moment together with family, as Time won't wait.


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