Saturday, February 2, 2019

Hiking - Night Exploration at Labrador Park

Good Night Blog,

Today I decided to visit Labrador Park, and it was at NIGHT! Very adventurous, right? I just have an urge to go for a night hike so Labrador Park seemed like somewhere unique and short.

Let's go, Captain Nerdy!
It will be a short post, just to keep my diary updated. :)

Since my photographer (my camera) was sick, I tried to use my phone.
Labrador Park Station and practically lesser crowd
Let's go for a cool night hike.
My phone can't work well for a night shot.
It tends to get blurry and can't focus well...
Looking out from a summit of Labrador Park hill
Oh my, that place was so DARK! I barely can see my step! Quite chill to walk in the dark alone... Kind of scary...

I walked around the whole park and enjoyed the chill cold wind
in my trisuit, it was so cooling!
Oh Yes! During the day, I always want to walk this boardwalk.
At night of Berlayer Creek Boardwalk is a quiet, long walk - best to walk with your partner to have a HTHT session.
It was a short hike and took me two hours walk around, and I had a great time.
Maybe I should try night walk at places like Henderson Waves. Anyway, time to sleep...



  1. Hiking at night is cool and beautiful but at such quiet place may be slightly dangerous. Need to be careful and alert.Would like to join.

    1. Yeah Uncle Jimmy. It is dangerous to do it alone in the dark. Very very quiet.
      Yes do join me one night :)


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