Saturday, February 23, 2019

Hiking - Visiting Peirce

Good Morning Blog,

Yawning... Thank goodness, I slept early last night for today hiking because I wanted to wake up early to capture sunrise scenes at Lower Peirce Reservoir and meet up with Uncle J to Upper Peirce, as he has been there before.

Morning 6am, Jupiter was there to greet me in the sky.
First time hiking at such early timing.
First, I have to accompany my mother for breakfast
Second, See some sunrise
Let's go and see some sunrise!
Morning is also my Me-Time.
Everyone is still sleeping at that timing during the weekend.
I will be meeting uncle J at a bus stop near Upper Peirce so I decided to visit Lower Peirce and can't wait to capture a nice beautiful sunrise but...

I realized my mistake...
There is no sunrise here... Because...
Opposite of what I am facing. Face-palm moment but at least the sunrise this morning was rewarding :)
7am - Time to meet Uncle J at the bus stop
To my new photographer, let me introduce you my friend, Uncle J, who appreciates your photos.
Hi Uncle J, here is my new photographer.
Uncle J has some knee issue but he still managed to make it after a long walk to Upper Peirce.
Uncle J was busy at the toilet, it gave me some time to look around this place.
Here is the background story of the naming of the reservoir as Upper and Lower Peirce.
Let take some time to embrace the nature and celebrate the contribution of Mr Robort Peirce.
Not beautiful sunrise here
At least the blue sky was rewarding here :)
(Thank you Uncle J) I always want to take a picture here but I can't do it myself and my Waifu can't help me, today I got one shot. :)
Back to my quiet place :) My heart feels connected again
Red contracts green greatly :D
Trying my Raffles Pose at the wooden log
It seemed like I need to refer to an actual picture of how a statue of Raffles stands
Hey my photographer, are you bored of taking pictures or too relax at this place?
Let's have our last picture at this place
We had a good chit-chatting session a while, even though it was short because I needed to meet up my mother, we had a great time at the quiet place, will do it again.

I have learned a lot from Uncle J's experience. In conclusion, we should not marry for the sake of marriage. We should not marry because we just need a companion. We should only marry because we find someone who completes us insidely. We should only marry when our fate has come.

At least, nowadays I feel I can manage myself and be strong, and take good care of my family and will continue to do so.


  1. Hi Good morning Jeffrey. It's great and I appreciate your kindness and patience to accompany me to Upper Peirce Reservoir for an early morning hike despite your busy schedule.I had a wonderful time and really enjoy the peace and serenity of the place. One would feel the connection with nature and the calmness of the place.Life is a challenge but always follow your heart. It faces many ups and downs but always believe in yourself no matter what others say.Once again thank you very much and look forward to another hike to another new place.

    1. Thank you uncle Jimmy for accompanying :) I am glad you have a great time


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