Thursday, February 28, 2019

Blog - February Overview

Hi Blog,

Feb 2019, I hope I can fix my camera asap and get back to my blogging life. This month is CNY... when I hope I have enough money to fix it. Oh well... I will still try to update my blog. :)

2nd Feb 2019 -
Night Exploration
3rd Feb 2019 -
Spring Cleaning
5th Feb 2019 -
My CNY days
7th Feb 2019 -
RIP my Photographer
11th Feb 2019 -
Using GoPro Again
12th Feb 2019 -
Jalan Besar Swimming Complex
13th Feb 2019 -
Sweat Some Emotions
14th Feb 2019 -
Revive my Photographer
15th Feb 2019 -
Seeing Sunset
16th Feb 2019 -
CNY with my Waifu
23rd Feb 2019 -
Visiting Peirce
24th Feb 2019 -
First Kayak Exp
26th Feb 2019 -
Neutral Mood
February Randomness
Check it out!

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