Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Jogging - Sweat Out Some Emotions

Hi Blog,

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Honestly... my sinking feeling was back again. ZN asked me to jog and my mother asked me to buy some bread for her, so I decided to channel my negative energy to jogging and do some purchasing at nearby market.

Black suit to represent my mood.
It will be a short post.

But I tried to tell myself to be strong.
My first time jogging in Bishan Park and had a great time trying to stay focus and appreciative over my situation.
In the past, days after CNY and Valentine's day were a torture to me... I will feel upset especially seeing loving couples... That sinking feeling was strong and last for a while... as I told myself how unworthy and shxtty I am for unable to get someone to love me.

But I know that I won't go low to find a person to get together because to resolve my loniness. There is this saying, Until you get comfortable with being alone, You'll never know if you're choosing someone out of love or loneliness.

And I am kind of agree with that. If I only have one chance, I will give that chance to some girl who worth.

This year onward, I learned that I am just an average Joe who receives many loves from my surrounding. I should be thankful. The girls just don't have the eye to identify the gem.

Within a complex web, it is all started from a basic structure.
After the basic structure, how many lost their visions and ways while searching the top? For me, I aim at a direction and understand the basic structure of my path to get up there.
With the basic, I learn to live contented and leading a simple life. True happiness begins when we appreciate and content than expect more. I should not be upset.

Thank you Mother for cheering me up.
Even my school leaders gave us a token of appreciation during this date. What a BIG Lucky coin and a simple note of appreciation.
Even though I can't say I overcome my sinking negative feelings but at least, I can face today with a neutral mindset.

My next step is to reach up the star.
Happy Valentine's Day to my beloved Blog. Thank you for being there with me



  1. Be content with what you have and achieved. Loneliness can be a blessing but you are never alone cause there are many people who love you for what you are.Love is universal Happy Valentines Day.

    1. I agree with you Uncle Jimmy. That will be my life lesson


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