Saturday, July 31, 2021

Blog - July Update

Hi Blog,

July already. Oh man! Time really passed fast for me. Covid pandemic had become a norm to everyone unlike last year.

Just want a hiding place for some me-time.
Even though, I posted lesser long posts these days and will treat my blogging as a relax habit than a chore.

Hiking - Race with the Rain

Good Morning Blog,

This will be a short post about today hike. ZN asked me to go for an early hike, so since I needed some motivation to add a little push towards my tired and lazy fat body.

I would want to start early so I can sleep throughout after that, Hahaha!
Actually, today I don't feel like taking pictures... ZN won't like to take my pictures that much but I learned that it turned out, he is fine with it as long as I don't do it too often. Hahaha... Today we went for a green corridor.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Personal - Suits for the Theme #50

Hi Blog,

This post is my 50th Anniversary Trisuit Theme post! Hahaha! 50th, Wow!

A simple victory hand-sign
By viewing the whole collection in one post (here), what an achievement.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Personal - My 42nd Birthday

Hi Blog,

Yes! Today is my 42nd Birthday. Overall, I should remind myself, have I gotten any wiser or still struck in a deep abyss of expecting more?

This year, or this month, I was crazed for overspent and spent on plant but this is the one which I must have it as my birthday gift for myself.
Let's share with you how I spent my birthday.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Hiking - Bukit Brown Cemetery Visit

Good Morning Blog,

Supposed to wait for Az to visit Bukit Brown... I guessed he is one typical example of those who cared GREAT interest and Keenness to hike together; very chatty and promising and right after our first hike to Keppel Reservoir, like other people - the chat just started dying off. Not that I will expect anything but it just triggered and sent me back to the abyss of how shxtty I am in person...

but anyway... Instead of sinking and continuing to nail myself into the coffin
I shall return to where and how I started, which is just me. I will just go alone!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Hiking - Voice Out

Hi Blog,

Usually weekend morning, I will go for a hike or take my waifu out or maybe clearing some errands... Today I should be going for a good hike...

And I felt rather emotionless and didn't want to do anything else...
I woke up early morning but I just wanted to "die my feelings"... because if I started to look into those feelings... I will have to face many negative feelings (even though there are position too)but I need to let everything sank first then pick myself up from there.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Product - CIGA Design X Series Titanium Mechanical Watch

Hi Blog,

Not long ago, I made a product opening post for HappieWatch (link) and yes! I am crazy to fall into another Watch-Craze flu! I decided to purchase another one suggested on FB and got poisoned by it.

This was the first image that PIERCED through my soul!
I calmed down and reflected on myself... and I know why this watch got my attention. I always wanted a skeleton watch since young, and the most desired skeleton watches I liked are just way too expensive... And this CigaDesign watch just made me lose my senses. You can check the actual product from IndieGoGo (link).

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Personal - Suits to the Theme #49

Hi Blog,

I guess every month having a complete trisuit theme to make an opening post will be a good starter post. This month will also have one trisuit theme which I spent a good quality time to gather.

This post theme - Let me introduce my favourite beanbag which is my seat for playing games.
By putting a towel over the beanbag is to prevent my smelly sweaty back stained it. Anyway, if you had missed the previous theme #48 (here) and check the overview of the rest of my trisuit theme (here).