Sunday, December 31, 2017

Personal - Random December

Hi Blog,

By looking back all my random monthly posts, I realised that it was all about my workout posts! Hahahah! Well, let me give a short explanation about this monthly randomness.

Randomness is a collective post about my thought-moment of the picture taken on that day, and it doesn't have enough pictures (usually will require more than three pictures) to make up a post of itself. Okay! I tried my best to explain with my limited English Power.

4th Dec 2017 - Looking around me... Very soon, this place will become history and moving on to a new building. I will miss this place where it gave me silent and personal space.
8th Dec 2017 - I was glad to squeeze out my time to send Elvix off and bumped to some ex pv pupils again! I was happy to see some familiar faces :) and I am glad you didn't stray away and I still can see that 'light' in you. Hopefully, that light won't diminish when you are there.
9th Dec 2017 - It had been awhile since I hanged out together with a big group, especially after working on a big project together. Usually, I am just with myself. Since I am an introvert, I will just soak myself in the group enjoying quietly.
13th Dec 2017 - Hardly get enough sleep at all. Thank Heaven for giving me some break time to rest.
20th Dec 2017 - Ah! his name is CL, he was my first PV batch student whom I had taught and still contact me. I was glad he turned out a great person. Jia you CL!
21st Dec 2017 - Today was my last day of 2017 of riding my waifu to my workplace. Thank you for accompanying me.
22nd Dec 2017 - Great Hangout Night at BG's place and a mini gift exchange. It has been a long long time since we met up, as we knew one another since we were a group of under-a-block kids.
23rd Dec 2017 - Almost came to end of 2017, my white hairs started to increase; time to enter another phrase of my life.
27th Dec 2017 - Here was my new seat for coming years!
28th Dec 2017 - I had not been taking pic of Christmas tree and since it was there while I was alone, then SNAP! Pardon me for such awful 3/4 pants.
29th Dec 2017 - My last jogging for 2017 :) and it was a theme changing for 2018 from left to right.
30th Dec 2017 - Now I learned the difference between Mao Shan Wang 猫山王 and D24 - Seed size, color and flesh texture! 'Flat' seeds. Best kind of durian with more flesh; but more costly!
And finding of worm in durian meaning it was a GREAT durian - True but quite turn off. Hahahah!
31st Dec 2017 - Thank you my followers and the likes-support. I will like to thank my blog readers if there is any. :) Do drop me some feedback and that will encourage me greatly!

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