Saturday, December 30, 2017

Personal - Imagination Runs Wild

Hi Blog,

When my imagination ran wild... weirdly, it will involve alien's abduction. (you can check my previous posts) I guessed it just stuck in my mind since young and the unfamiliar environment kept me feeling helpless and fearful, but dislike those torturing devices.

This picture was from X-files which stuck in my mind ever since. At that time, I had it on my VHS tape because of its setting in this scene.
But because of its controversy and living in a judgemental world, I can't share such thought with anyone so I will keep my imagination here.

On one of the days when I was alone at my workplace, it was a stormy day and made the whole place felt so dark and chilling.
The lighting seemed like...
drawing me toward my imagination...
Captured by my imagination.
Let's them run and I found one of my memorable scenes from X-files on YouTube.
This scene-setting was definitely my source of imagination.
Besides allowed my imagination ran wild, I found a few alien and environment pictures while searching for x-files alien captured pictures, so I had to pose for the scene and don't judge me. ! . . ! . but I highly doubt no one won't judge...

Anyway Transformation Completed!!!

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