Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Personal - Feeling Contented

Hi Blog,

Recently I weighted myself and realised that I had dropped my weight from 72kg to 69kg! Honestly, even though I wished for 65kg but I was contented. As long as I don't gain anymore, I will be alright.

my figure was concerned normal - Not buff or fat. I am satisfied.
I can't believe the journey that I took in the past...
Which I was depressed over my weight and now it was back to normal. Thanks Heaven for it.
Watching over my weight by watchful over food calories, exercises, keep the faith that I can do it, and trying to overcome my depression were a tough journey if anyone followed my blog...

Below were pictures for my readers.

My OOTD and My Undies moment which was my first and last pic ever posted online!
I may not have the ripping and sexy body but at least I have a strong body which support my life. Whatever the social and aesthetic standard that others have, can't help my spiritual growth anyway; as I was training my soul for now.
Jia you, Jeff!

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